Drought Center · @droughtcenter
62 followers · 53 posts · Server mastodon.world

continues to look strong across the West according to the , with most watersheds close to or above their long-term average. Conditions improved in several states just in the past few days thanks to recent storms like . Those impacts should show up in next week's Monitor.

#snowpack #usda #nrcs #winterstormolive #drought

Last updated 2 years ago

SoNotNic 🐍🐉🐈 · @SoNotNic
490 followers · 535 posts · Server mas.to

511mn.org is a useful resource for judging road conditions. Stay home and stay safe if you can.


[Photo of conditions at 6:37 AM on Thu 23 Feb 2023 with 23 critical events in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.]

#twincities #twincitiesmn #winterstorm #blizzard #winterstormolive #winter #minnesota #mnastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Bodie · @jimbodie
20 followers · 708 posts · Server mstdn.social

Crap, the lights just flickered. All of the power lines in my neighborhood are underground, but outside the neighborhood the wires are above ground and no doubt getting covered in real heavy ice. If power goes out, I have flashlights and batteries. I can get around a dark house just fine. I just don't want to deal with that as I have some more reading I want to do before bed.

#olive #winterstormolive #icestorm

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Bodie · @jimbodie
20 followers · 708 posts · Server mstdn.social

My (home) office faces east and that is where the icy rain is coming from. I opened the window a bit ago. The entire screen is covered in a thin layer of ice. On the one hand, my view is quite obstructed. On the other hand, that ice might be blocking the wind a bit.

Funny story, a few days ago we had the windows open in the house because it was in the 60s. Rochester weather really has its ups and downs, more downs than ups lately.

#olive #winterstormolive #icestorm

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Bodie · @jimbodie
20 followers · 708 posts · Server mstdn.social

Holy ice storm batman! I just scooped the cat's bin and took the garbage out back. The patio and yard is covered in a thin crusty layer of hard, icy snow and everything is freezing and wet. It's supposed to go below freezing overnight so all this wet is going to be ice. I am very glad I decided not to go back into work this evening. I'd not want to have to drive in this shit.

#olive #winterstormolive #icestorm

Last updated 2 years ago