Orla Breslin · @stitchlily
77 followers · 45 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Looking for a product owner in the Dingle region, to partner with me on an exciting brand new start up, that will provide energy savings equipment & resources in the region!!

If you are the owner of a mangle, why not partner with me and my washboard to rent to poor people this winter.

We can rent by the hour, run workshops, sure let's do a TED Talk, on how we saved Christmas by helping people reduce their bills...


#winterready #EnergySaving #wintertips

Last updated 2 years ago

Virtual Boy · @LevelUp
30 followers · 26 posts · Server corteximplant.com

If you ever feel cold, get your feet heated. It'll help alleviate some of the feeling.

It may seem funny but hot waterbottles for feet exist and so do foot warmers.

Depending on budget the hot water bottles tend to be on the cheaper side but prices are up because of the season. ( I got mine under £10 from a physical store and that's quite lucky for this season. )

Keep them beans toasty!
It makes all of the difference.

#staywarm #keepwarm #warm #wintertips #winter #feelingcold

Last updated 2 years ago

nu.nl RSS · @nunl
130 followers · 826 posts · Server mastodon.nl
dlittledeer · @darlulittledeer
3 followers · 26 posts · Server universeodon.com

Winter tips: Cold air can come into your home under doors and through window glass. At night, roll up towels or sheets, or fold blankets and set them at the base of the door up tight against the door. This can make a BIG difference.

#winterizingtips #wintertips #winterizeyourhome

Last updated 2 years ago