@susankayequinn @quixoticgeek #WinterWheat by #LibbyRoderick always gives me chills
“For we are sowing winter wheat
That other hands will harvest
That they might have enough to eat
After we are gone.
We will plant shade trees
That we will not sit under
We will light candles
That others will see their way
We'll struggle for justice
Though we'll never see it flower
Our children's children
Will live in peace one day"
Freezing #coldweather could damage #winterwheat
#FoodInflation #foodcrisis #winterwheat #coldweather
Freezing #coldweather could damage #winterwheat #FoodCrisis #FoodInflation
#FoodInflation #foodcrisis #winterwheat #coldweather
Freezing #coldweather could damage #winterwheat #FoodCrisis #FoodInflation
#FoodInflation #foodcrisis #winterwheat #coldweather
US agriculture areas in drought, according to the US Drought Monitor. Maps of winter wheat, cattle, hay and corn growing areas and #drought overlays are below.
#winterwheat #cattle #hay #corn
#drought #winterwheat #cattle #hay #corn
Impressions from our mountain wheat trial to identify suitable varieties under harsh but quite beautiful conditions #toggenburg #winterwheat #breeding
#breeding #winterwheat #toggenburg
It's just one #calamity after another
#FoodCollapse #winterwheat #Elliot #calamity
It's just one #calamity after another #Elliot #winterwheat #foodcollapse
#FoodCollapse #winterwheat #Elliot #calamity
Today’s Flickr photo with the most hits: an Atlas shepherd, near Telhouet, Morocco
#morocco #AtlasMountains #shepherd #telhouet #landscape #WinterWheat #orchard
#morocco #atlasmountains #shepherd #telhouet #landscape #winterwheat #orchard
If you’re on Academia, I have a paper I wrote on how Russia flushes their radioactive waste water into the nearest streams & rivers. It’s why their winter wheat crop failed, why they’re facing food shortages (& vodka shortage), & why they invaded Ukraine—who just had the highest winter wheat harvest in their entire history. #academia #russia #ukraine #nuclearwaste #radioactivewaste #winterwheat #vodkashortage https://wagingnonviolence.org/2022/05/evgeniya-chirikova-russia-putin-ukraine-war-activatica-countering-propaganda/
#vodkashortage #winterwheat #radioactivewaste #nuclearwaste #Ukraine #Russia #academia