@mrcompletely reminds me of how I usually carried an extra or two with me on summer tour because it was the "dry season" in the Midwest and reasonable accommodations could be made in the hotel between those sitting on different essential elements of the experience. And I made new friends!
I'm feeding the bees organic figs while saving myself a trip to the ER from falling off a ladder to pick them. Lower hanging fruit for me. #WinWin
NCT U 엔시티 유 'Baggy Jeans' MV Teaser
#youtube_smtown #nct #nct2023 #엔시티 #엔시티2023 #nct_127 #nct_dream #wayv #엔시티127 #엔시티드림 #웨이브이 #웨이션브이 #엔시티일이칠 #엔드림 #威神v #샤오쥔 #헨드리 #doyoung #jaehyun #mark #taeil #taeyong #ten #yuta #chenle #haechan #jaemin #jeno #jisung #renjun #johnny #jungwoo #kun #xiaojun #hendery #yangyang #winwin
NCT 2023 엔시티 2023 'Golden Age' MV
#youtube_SMTOWN #NCT #NCT2023 #엔시티 #엔시티2023 #NCT_127 #NCT_DREAM #WayV #엔시티127 #엔시티드림 #웨이브이 #웨이션브이 #엔시티일이칠 #엔드림 #威神V #샤오쥔 #헨드리 #DOYOUNG #JAEHYUN #MARK #TAEIL #TAEYONG #TEN #YUTA #CHENLE #HAECHAN #JAEMIN #JENO #JISUNG #RENJUN #JOHNNY #JUNGWOO #KUN #XIAOJUN #HENDERY #YANGYANG #WINWIN #Golden_Age #골든에이지 #music_video #뮤직비디오
#youtube_smtown #nct #nct2023 #엔시티 #엔시티2023 #nct_127 #nct_dream #wayv #엔시티127 #엔시티드림 #웨이브이 #웨이션브이 #엔시티일이칠 #엔드림 #威神v #샤오쥔 #헨드리 #doyoung #jaehyun #mark #taeil #taeyong #ten #yuta #chenle #haechan #jaemin #jeno #jisung #renjun #johnny #jungwoo #kun #xiaojun #hendery #yangyang #winwin #golden_age #골든에이지 #music_video #뮤직비디오
2017 32GB Chromebook meet 2023 64GB Chromebook, an astounding $149 deal at Best Buy 🤯 both touchscreens, and new one has more USB ports but doesn't flip around, making old one defacto tablet now #WinWin
[1] Nature, 2023. Reducing inequality benefits everyone — so why isn’t it happening? Nature 620 (7974), 468–468. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-02551-3
[2] Lusseau, D., Mancini, F., 2019. Income-based variation in Sustainable Development Goal interaction networks. Nature Sustainability 2 (3), 242–247. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-019-0231-4
#inequality #ScientificDebate #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #CascadeOfBenefits #poverty #ClimateChange #WinWin
#references #doi #inequality #scientificdebate #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #cascadeofbenefits #poverty #ClimateChange #winwin
Next, WinWin being soft and fuzzy (okay, the fuzzy is the filter, but shh) https://youtu.be/OVwAouzxo5g
What a momentous occasion for India! #Apple #iPhone15 #TamilNadu #India #ManufacturingHub I'm so thrilled that India is now part of the supply chain for the next iPhone! It's a testament to the country's manufacturing prowess and the hard work of the people there. This is a great example of how diversifying away from China can benefit us all. #Diversifying #SupplyChain #WinWin #GoIndia! http://www.techmeme.com/230816/p14#a230816p14
#apple #iphone15 #tamilnadu #india #manufacturinghub #diversifying #supplychain #winwin #goindia
I’d suggest this #Australian #magpie is a teenager in vintage… saw it foraging in a bark-covered garden bed, as we pulled up.
Threw it some of my coffee scroll… loved that!
Then some avo 🥑, my youngest pulled out of his sushi roll earlier… and it absolutely devoured that!
Lucky for them.
Lucky for me, getting these snaps!
#birdsofmastodon #MostLiveable #downunder #animalsofmastodon #melbourne #MostLiveable #victoria #Narrm #victoria #Australia
#australian #magpie #winwin #benteigheast #australia #birdsofmastodon #mostliveable #downunder #animalsofmastodon #melbourne #victoria #narrm
#Coffee I’d left a bottle of iced coffee in the freezer a bit long and there was a small frozen lump that needed thawing. having just received some coffee pods in the post I brewed up one of the 40ml pods from that package and used it to good effect: it thawed the lump and boosted the coffee flavour profile. #WinWin
Kalte Temperaturen und Regen? Back ich eben Sauerkirsch-Zartbitter-Scones. So wird es hier auch noch ein wenig wärmer. #WetterAufLinksGedreht #Backen #WinWin
#wetterauflinksgedreht #backen #winwin
Das ist doch super! Leute, die durch den niedrigen Preis zum ÖPNV kommen, fahren eh nur Gebrauchtwagen. Mehr Platz auf den Straßen für Neuwagenfahrer. #winwin #verkehrswende
Habe den Testmonat Kindle Unlimited geklickt, damit ich nicht für das vorlesen der letzte 300 Seiten den 7. Harry Potter Band in den Urlaub mitschleppen muss ✌🏼. Außerdem kann ich dann auch endlich mal „Das verwunschene Kind“ lesen. #WinWin
Was für ein trüber Nachmittag. Schlägt mir gleich aufs Gemüt. Zum Glück habe ich brav meine Morgenrunde schon ab 8:30 Uhr gedreht und schon vor dem Frühstück meine 10.000 Schritte hinter mich gebracht. #WinWin
Real talk. That bit about freeloaders? It was absurd, so we laugh. Truth is, we contribute upstream, always have. We are genuinely thrilled to participate in #flocktofedora and discuss the future of Enterprise Linux with the Fedora Project and fellow sponsors. #community #collaboration #winwin
#flocktofedora #community #collaboration #winwin
Keine direkten News mehr von und über #Merz, #Linnemann, #Spahn und wie sie alle heißen.😊
So lebt es sich viel entspannter.
Und warum, weil ich seit über einem Jahr nicht mehr bei #Twttr bin.
#merz #Linnemann #spahn #twttr #winwin
Sehen wir das Positive: wenn die Reichen mit dem Bumsen aufhören, weil sie kein Kindergeld in einer Höhe bekommen, dass sie sonst für ein Paar Schuhe ausgeben und demnach keine Erben haben, kann man ihr Vermögen nach ihrem Tod wieder der Gemeinschaft zuführen.