#MycoForestry (mushrooms and trees) is an environmentally friendly alternative for boreal forests. University of Stirling 🇬🇧 scientists demonstrate that carbon sequestration and food production is a much better use for northern forests than toilette paper‼️
#EnvironmentScienceNews #mycoforestry #winwinfornature
Sri Lanka will ban single-use plastics to protect wild elephants🐘 and deer 🦌 ✅
#goodnewsfornature #bansingleuseplastic #winwinfornature
The #California🇺🇸 wintering #Monarch population is on a rebound for the second year in a row‼️ 330,000 butterflies butterflies counted making it the highest in six years.
#winwinfornature #EnvironmentScienceNews #california #monarch #goodnewsfornature
#NovaScotiaNatureTrust :ns_flag: adds another 50 acres to the Mabou Highlands conservation lands. Bringing the total area to almost 3000 acres for this protected and important natural ecosystem‼️
#EnvironmentScienceNews #novascotianaturetrust #winwinfornature
A #Sustainable forest industry has been created by #Veja a #French 🇫🇷 fashion company. Using Amazonian 🇧🇷 rubber for high-end shoes has now generated several manufacturing industries in Brazil and protected forest areas from cattle ranching. This profitable and sustainable business model has also attracted the interest of the young Brazilians‼️
#goodnewsfornature #sustainable #veja #french #winwinfornature
❇️ Effective conservation and reintroduction programs in Europe 🇪🇺 have allowed mammal populations to flourish❇️
Oxford's 🇬🇧 data scientists have published the hard data in a presentation that non-scientist can actually understand‼️
#goodnewsfornature #winwinfornature
#UniversityOfCambridge 🇬🇧 scientists have developed a #Solar power #reactor that converts either #plastic or #CO2 into useful products. Their demonstration project used CO2 to produce #syngas and plastic bottles to produce #GlycolicAcid. Syngas is used to make ammonia and glycolic acid is used in cosmetics. By changing the #catalyst in the reactor other products are possible.
#EnvironmentScienceNews #goodnewsfornature #universityofcambridge #solar #reactor #plastic #co2 #syngas #glycolicacid #catalyst #winwinfornature
NASA 🚀 scientists 🇺🇸 proved they can detect, pinpoint and track changes from #CarbonDioxide #CO2 emitters anywhere on our planet.
#ClimateScienceNews #carbondioxide #co2 #nomoregreenwashing #winwinfornature
The #UN 🌎 🌐 has announced that the #chlorofluorocarbons #CFC caused hole in our ozone layer has finally begun to heal‼️ They estimate it should be closed in 2066.
This was a huge international feat and proves that the planet can come together to fix our mistakes. Here are the details how our planet did it.
#WinWinForNature 🙌
#EnvironmentScienceNews #un #chlorofluorocarbons #cfc #goodnewsfornature #winwinfornature
:ns_flag: 🇨🇦
Six new conservation lands protected forever in Nova Scotia in 2022 alone thanks to #NovaScotiaNatureTrust #NSNT
#goodnewsfornature #novascotianaturetrust #nsnt #winwinfornature
#ColumbiaUniversity scientists 🇺🇸 have quantified the enormous amount of #CO2 that is taken up by #NewYork city's trees, bushes and grasses. On some summer days all of the emissions from all vehicles are sequestered by New York's #vegetation
#EnvironmentScienceNews #goodnewsfornature #columbiauniversity #co2 #newyork #vegetation #winwinfornature
In 2022 the world has started down the path toward fixing this #ClimateMess ‼️
1. 🇺🇸 President Joe Biden's big win changes everything;
2.🇪🇺 The #EU taxes #CarbonDioxide at its border;
3.🇨🇦 🇨🇳 Birds, bees and #BioDiversity get a big break;
4.💰 💲 💶 💷 Rich nations agree to fund loss and damage, energy transition;
5.🇧🇷 🇦🇺 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 Changes in leaders, change in attitudes, and;
6.🌎 Taking #methane matters more seriously.
#ClimateScienceNews #winwinfornature #climatemess #eu #carbondioxide #biodiversity #methane #goodnewsfornature
The Houston 🇺🇸 Humane Society and volunteers saved hundreds of Mexican free-tailed bats from the latest freezing polar vortex to hit Texas.
#goodnewsfornature #winwinfornature
A team of US 🇺🇸 researchers demonstrate that climate impact labels helps change eating habits at #FastFoodRestaurants. Animal food production accounts for 14.5% of our planet's #GreenhouseGas emissions. Researchers report that 23.5% more people than the control group chose a sustainable menu item‼️
#ClimateScienceNews #goodnewsfornature #fastfoodrestaurants #greenhousegas #winwinfornature
#Monarchs see signs of rebounding populations in #California 🇺🇸 counties‼️
Conservation efforts are starting to pay off for the western Monarchs.
#EnvironmentScienceNews #goodnewsfornature #monarchs #california #winwinfornature
#UniversityCollegeLondon 🇬🇧
#UCL researchers using a 3D scanning technique estimate the above ground carbon stores are almost double previous estimates. Giving a #WinWinForNature. This means that #ClearCutting would result in double the loss in carbon value.
#goodnewsfornature #badnewsforlogging #universitycollegelondon #ucl #winwinfornature #ClearCutting #NoHighProductionForestry
#EuropeanUnion 🇪🇺 reaches a major deal for carbon market. #PollutersPay, phase out free allowances to industries and creates an #EmissionsTradingSystem with a carbon price around 100 euros per tonne‼️
#goodnewsfornature #EuropeanUnion #polluterspay #emissionstradingsystem #winwinfornature
#Canada 🇨🇦 increases its #biodiversity funding to developing nations by $255 million. This will bring our total annual funding to $1.5 billion.
#goodnewsfornature #canada #biodiversity #winwinfornature
#EnvironmentScienceNews #GoodNewsForNature
Tel Aviv University and the University of Haifa 🇮🇱 announce new non-static, drone based deterrent to protect bats from windmills.
#EnvironmentScienceNews #goodnewsfornature #winwinfornature
The US 🇺🇸 commits to sustainable financial support for safaris in Africa.
#EnvironmentScienceNews #winwinfornature