I really wish tar
on #Linux supported libarchive. It's nice to have a unified interface for all archive types.
tar -tf somefile.tar
tar -tf somefile.zip
tar -tf somefile.iso
This is why we #WinWithBSD.
Sure, just tell me how can I *reliably* determine parent process name and its command line arguments from a shell script on BSDs ā which is the only family of operating systems that gave me problems with it in a program that I was writing ā and Iām gonna start winning with it alright.
What is old is new again. Please stop using procfs (or sysfs or *fs
for sysadmin fecalmatter).
I really hate having to reinvent the wheel so freaking often due to the GPL.
#Linux userns, the gift that keeps on giving.
I'm starting to get a hang of this Prometheus + Grafana thing. I like what I'm seeing. And I love how easy it is when all of it's deployed on #HardenedBSD.
The only system I've had trouble with is an #Ubuntu #Linux VM. It exports different metrics than expected.
#hardenedbsd #ubuntu #linux #winwithbsd
Because no one ever wants to know the full IP address of connected users to #Linux systems.
No need to build your own version of #HardenedBSD just to install onto serial-only devices. Just select the serial mode in the bootloader.
#hardenedbsd #linux #winwithbsd
This exact reason is just one reason why I love SIGINFO.
I've not ran Linux, Windows, or macOS in a serious manner in over a decade: https://medium.com/design-and-tech-co/do-you-really-need-to-use-linux-5e234f2be07c
Holy cow. Knowing whether you have permission to access /proc/pid/mem in #Linux is complicated. No wonder why there have been so many security bugs historically with that and ptrace.
Source: https://blog.cloudflare.com/diving-into-proc-pid-mem/
The advantage of running #nmap on #FreeBSD / #HardenedBSD: SIGINFO support.
#nmap #freebsd #hardenedbsd #winwithbsd
I know I keep repeating this, but I REALLY dislike that #Linux does not have SIGINFO.
Waiting for systemctl restart someService
and there's no output.
I'm sitting here, thinking "gee, what's going on? what's taking so long?"
After weeks of careful planning and preparation, I have now completed the migration of ${DAYJOB}'s network from #Checkpoint to #OPNsense.
Feels good to secure our network based on OPNsense + #HardenedBSD.
#checkpoint #opnsense #hardenedbsd #infosec #networking #winwithbsd
I love you, #FreeBSD jails. You make logical separation of Internet-connected services incredibly intuitive.
${DAYJOB} goal for next week: submit the Migrationator as a #FreeBSD port.
${DAYJOB} goal for this week: documentation, documentation, documentation.
#freebsd #privacy #winwithbsd #google
Exporting your entire organization's email, user-by-user, from Google in a single Toot:
$ bin/migrate.zsh userlist -o users.csv
$ bin/migrate.zsh email -i users.csv -o /tank/degoogle
#google #privacy #hardenedbsd #winwithbsd