The Russian army kept up its defences along the frontline in Bakhmut by raining back-to-back attacks on the Ukraine Army. Two latest videos from the battleground show how Russian loitering munition destroyed an Ukrainian OSA 1 surface-to-air missile system. In another video, Russian MLRS can be seen on a rampage to destroy Ukrainian positions. The Russian military claimed that over 25 Ukrainian troops were eliminated here. Watch.
#Russia #LoiteringMunition #UkrainianUnit #Bakhmut #Wiped
#russia #loiteringmunition #ukrainianunit #bakhmut #wiped
#FTX #bankruptcy #documents #show #list of #investors set to be #completely #wiped out, including #TomBrady...that $1 #million #yacht he #bought with #Ppploan should help him out #karmaisabitch #eattherich
#ftx #bankruptcy #documents #show #list #investors #completely #wiped #tombrady #million #yacht #bought #PPPloan #karmaisabitch #eattherich
#Jan6th #probe #SecretServiceDump #SecretServiceTextMessage #wiped
#Criminal #wiped #secretservicetextmessage #secretservicedump #probe #jan6th