Heißer #Radio-Tipp für alle Badener, Württemberger, Kurpfälzer, Franken oder was da sonst noch so im Einzugsgebiet von #SWR 1 lebt: heute vier Stunden Musik Klub Rock (noch bis 0 Uhr) zur Geschichte des #Punk.
Playlist der letzten Minuten:
#plasticbertrand #billytalent #greenday #nirvana #wipers #musik
#radio #swr #punk #plasticbertrand #billytalent #greenday #nirvana #wipers #Musik
Today's #ThursdayFiveList c/o @neurothing concerns #TheVoice in all of it's flavors, and so...
She's Hearing Voices - Bloc Party
Cries and Whispers - New Order
Voices In the Rain - Wipers
Whispered News - Let's Active
Screaming the Night Away - GBV
#thursdayfivelist #thevoice #blocparty #neworder #wipers #letsactive #GuidedByVoices
@mrowster Agreed, I think we are on the same playground. There's so much beautiful music out there - in (nearly) every genre.
I'm always coming back to bands like #Wipers(!) #EA80 (German #punk) #Fugazi #Godflesh #YoungGods. They provide what I call #heartmusic.
Have a great weekend.
#wipers #ea80 #punk #Fugazi #Godflesh #younggods #heartmusic
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SonicReducer
🎵 Return of the Rat
#nowplaying #SonicReducer #wipers
and since this was a classics week .. a cover #Wipers
The Melvins - Youth Of America (Wipers cover)
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #DriveTime
🎵 Alien Boy
#nowplaying #kexp #Drivetime #wipers
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
🎵 Youth of America
#nowplaying #MiddayShow #wipers
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #SonicReducer
🎵 Mystery
#nowplaying #kexp #SonicReducer #wipers
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 D-7
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #wipers
Wipers & Phishing Attacks Rose Steeply in 2022 https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/ukraine-withstands-torrent-russian-cyberattacks-a-21215 Russian state hackers pummeled Ukraine first 4 months of 2022; more destructive malware than Google, Mandiant detected in the previous 8 years. Anviksha More #cyberattack #phishing #wipers #ukraine
#cyberattack #phishing #wipers #ukraine
With -14C temps in town, rare for here, wipers on my #Kia came to a halt. Pulled the wiper assembly, opened the assembles, touched up the posts and relubed all the moving points. Couldn't seperate the gearbox, just put some dielectric grease around the join.
Wipers moving properly again, prob new motor come spring. The corrosion though, wow for less than 60k... The grease they use ain't great in the cold either. Door hinges, hood latch, door locks all frozen. Eep!
#Ukraine: Sandworm hackers hit news agency with 5 data #wipers ⏭️ le volet numérique de la guerre est loin d’être finie. A noter le retour de souches qui visent #Linux, #FreeBSD et #Solaris (!) et qui visent à effacer des traces d’autres attaques https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ukraine-sandworm-hackers-hit-news-agency-with-5-data-wipers/
#ukraine #wipers #linux #freebsd #solaris
1. NOIR BOY GEORGE - comme Alan Vega
2. ROSA YEMEN - Nina Con Un Tercer Ojo
3. FRUSTRATION - nowadays
4. VOLT - alles neu
6. WIPERS - mystery
7. SQUARE TUGS - i don´t like it
8. URGENT FURY - tet
#brigadafloresmagon #bzdet #colombey #frustration #konvojbontonbajkera #mercenarias #microfilm #noirboygeorge #omahans #rosayemen #sleafordmods #squaretugs #toyota #uksubs #urgentfury #volt #wipers
#Nowplaying: #GunClub - #SexBeat (1984)
I find #punk bands like #GangofFour, #Wipers and also #TheGunClub deserve much more recognition. Sometimes I don't understand the market dynamics of the music business at all. Anyway, "we can fuck forever but you will never get my soul".
Next time, the sound of #noise23 will slightly change.
#nowplaying #gunclub #sexbeat #punk #gangOfFour #wipers #thegunclub #noise23 #Postpunk #wave #music
@HeyeBodo New day rising! Good morning, d‘accord - I like #HüsketDü a lot, especially #Diane and …, but the #Wipers are very close to my heart, and it‘s getting „worse“ as I grow older. I don’t understand why, but I can feel it. Take care, enjoy and have great day (in your dungeon(s)).