Ransomware-Angriff: Verschiedene Regierungsorganisationen #Ransomware #Einbruch #Wiperware #TeamInfoSec #cyberangriff https://www.security-incidents.de/sicherheitsvorfaelle/ransomware_angriff_verschiedene-regierungsorganisationen-2438.php
#cyberangriff #TeamInfoSec #wiperware #einbruch #ransomware
Severely limiting exposure or not insuring could / would reduce the ability for ransom to be paid for many orgs. Would this remove incentives to #ransomware or effectively create more #wiperware ?
Cyber attacks set to become 'uninsurable'
https://www.ft.com/content/63ea94fa-c6fc-449f-b2b8-ea29cc83637d #cybersecurity
#ransomware #wiperware #cybersecurity
Some sources are calling Azov “ransomware” (like https://thehackernews.com/2022/12/cybersecurity-experts-uncover-inner.html?m=1). That’s really confusing.
it’s not encrypting but destroying, with no associated network traffic or exfil. Its “ransomware note” is some really badly written faux-insane note (old one) and something faking Ukrainian sympathies but just BS name dropping some #infosec people (new one). Nothing “ransom” about it. That’s not #ransomware, that’s a #wiper #WiperWare
PS: If it writes like a Russian, tries to instil fear like a Russian, serves Russian interests and has Russian talking points, who cares if it’s actually Russian? It’s pro-Russian.
#infosec #ransomware #wiper #wiperware #azov #threatintel
RT @eucondrio@twitter.com
Il mio nuovo articolo su http://Italian.Tech
La missione segreta degli Usa per rafforzare le difese informatiche dell'Ucraina
#Cyberguerra #cyberattacco #cybersecurity #sicurezzainformatica #wiperware
La Repubblica : https://www.repubblica.it/tecnologia/2022/03/15/news/la_missione_segreta_degli_usa_per_rafforzare_le_difese_informatiche_dellucraina-341011487/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/eucondrio/status/1503728417975513094
#wiperware #sicurezzainformatica #cybersecurity #cyberattacco #cyberguerra