For instance, requiring a separate, negotiated copyright license for every transitory copy made by RAM, or a network buffer, or drive cache:
Gore laughed Lehman out of the room and told him to hit the road. So Lehman did, scurrying over to Geneva, where he turned his batshit ideas into the #WIPOCopyrightTreaty (#WCT) and the #WIPOPerformancesAndPhonogramsTreaty (#WPPT).
#wipocopyrighttreaty #wct #wipoperformancesandphonogramstreaty #wppt
For instance, requiring a separate, negotiated copyright license for every transitory copy made by RAM, or a network buffer, or drive cache:
Gore laughed Lehman out of the room and told him to hit the road. So Lehman did, scurrying over to Geneva, where he turned his batshit ideas into the #WIPOCopyrightTreaty (#WCT) and the #WIPOPerformancesAndPhonogramsTreaty (#WPPT).
#wipocopyrighttreaty #wct #wipoperformancesandphonogramstreaty #wppt