Gori Cuddly Carnage celebra más de 5 millones de extremidades de unicornio cortadas con un miautástico tráiler
#IndieGames #Noticias #AngryDemonStudio #GoriCuddlyCarnage #PCGamerShow #slasher #WiredProductions
#indiegames #noticias #angrydemonstudio #goricuddlycarnage #pcgamershow #slasher #wiredproductions
June's next batch of Game Pass additions have stylish racing, idyllic farming and more - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/game-pass-pc-games-june-2023 #StoryOfSeasons:FriendsOfMineralTown #F.I.S.T.:ForgedInShadowTorch #Bramble:TheMountainKing #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #NeedforSpeed:Unbound #NosebleedInteractive #Birdview/Isometric #WiredProductions #ActionAdventure #ArcadeParadise #NintendoSwitch #ElectronicArts #CriterionGames #DimfrostStudio #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer
#singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #DimfrostStudio #criteriongames #electronicarts #nintendoswitch #ArcadeParadise #ActionAdventure #wiredproductions #birdview #NosebleedInteractive #NeedforSpeed #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive #Bramble #f #storyofseasons
¡Marchando y andando! Tin Hearts ya está disponible en formato físico para Nintendo Switch
#noticias #roguesun #tinhearts #wiredproductions
Tin Hearts es confirmado como exclusivo de Nintendo Switch y llega este mes de abril
#noticias #roguesun #tinhearts #wiredproductions
Lançamento de Tin Hearts é adiado para maio
#Indie #NintendoSwitch #TinHearts #WiredProductions
#indie #nintendoswitch #tinhearts #wiredproductions
Gaming Review: The Last Worker für Nintendo Switch im Test vorab https://www.pocketpc.ch/magazin/testberichte/gaming-testberichte/gaming-review-the-last-worker-fuer-nintendo-switch-im-test-vorab-88931/ #wired_productions #WiredProductions #TheLastWorker #ZeldaWilliams #Testberichte #JasonIsaacs #MickMcMahon #Wolf&Wood #VeniceVR #Gaming #wiredp #Oiffy #wired
#wired_productions #wiredproductions #TheLastWorker #zeldawilliams #Testberichte #JasonIsaacs #mickmcmahon #wolf #venicevr #gaming #wiredp #oiffy #wired
The Last Worker ya está disponible en formato físico para PlayStation 5 PSVR2 y Nintendo Switch
#noticias #thelastworker #wiredproductions #wolf
The Last Worker review: this dystopian satire on automated jobs rather labours its point - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-last-worker-review #Wolf&WoodInteractiveLtd; #WiredProductions #TheLastWorker #Exploration #WotIThink #Puzzle #Oiffy
#oiffy #puzzle #wotithink #exploration #TheLastWorker #wiredproductions #wolf
Meridiem Games anuncia la edición física de The Last Worker para PlayStation 5 PS-VR2 y Switch
#IndieGames #Noticias #Meridiemgames #NintendoSwitch #Playstation #PS-VR2 #TheLastWorker #WiredProductions
#indiegames #noticias #meridiemgames #nintendoswitch #playstation #ps #thelastworker #wiredproductions
A few levels from the Tin Hearts closed beta running on Steam Deck. Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for Wanted: Dead, Like a Dragon Ishin and Returnal gameplay video on Steam Deck.
#TinHearts #WiredProductions #indiegame #WantedDead #LikeADragonIshin #Returnal #SteamDeck #videogames #gamingnews #gamers #gamer #youtube #twitch #streamer
#tinhearts #wiredproductions #indiegame #wanteddead #likeadragonishin #returnal #steamdeck #videogames #gamingnews #gamers #gamer #youtube #twitch #streamer
The #GamingScarrmy countdown to #christmas continues with a #livestream of #MarthaIsDead from our good friends at #WiredProductions on #GeForceNow. Get your #ScarrBucks ready, I'll be #givingaway Bendy and the Dark Revival & Bravery and Greed on #Steam and a 3 pack of ID@Xbox games!
❤️ Boosts appreciated ❤️
⏲️ 7:15pm ET
🌐 https://youtu.be/TcBRZgxsbOI
#videogames #gaming #giveaway #win #youtube #twitch #GFN #CloudGaming #indiegame #Xbox #indie #indiegames
#gamingscarrmy #christmas #livestream #marthaisdead #wiredproductions #geforcenow #scarrbucks #givingaway #steam #videogames #gaming #giveaway #win #youtube #twitch #gfn #cloudgaming #indiegame #xbox #indie #indiegames
The 5 best games from the Guerrilla Collective showcase 2022 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-5-best-games-from-the-guerrilla-collective-showcase-2022 #GuerrillaCollective #BlackTowerBasement #WiredProductions #WitchStrandings #StrangeScaffold #CassetteBeasts #TheFridgeIsRed #TheLastWorker #Greedventory #Indiescovery #Nordcurrent #TinyBuild #RawFury #E32022 #Indie
#GuerrillaCollective #blacktowerbasement #wiredproductions #WitchStrandings #StrangeScaffold #CassetteBeasts #TheFridgeIsRed #TheLastWorker #Greedventory #Indiescovery #Nordcurrent #tinybuild #rawfury #E32022 #indie
Martha Is Dead review: horror that confuses being horrible with being horrifying - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/martha-is-dead-review #WiredProductions #MarthaIsDead #WotIThink #Horror #LKA
#wiredproductions #MarthaIsDead #wotithink #horror #lka
Wired Productions has a Steam Deck and shows it off (First Hands on Thoughts): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwKFgWIk7sk #linux #linuxgaming #hardware #steam #steamdeck #wiredproductions #marthaisdead
#linux #linuxgaming #hardware #steam #SteamDeck #wiredproductions #MarthaIsDead
Arcade Paradise makes everything a game, including your boring chores - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/esQezYcNlMU/arcade-paradise-makes-everything-a-game-including-your-boring-chores #NosebleedInteractive #WiredProductions #ArcadeParadise #Indiescovery #Indie #Demo
#NosebleedInteractive #wiredproductions #ArcadeParadise #Indiescovery #indie #demo
Flip your dad's crap laundromat into a local hotspot in Arcade Paradise - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/BN0cm4N9uQU/flip-your-dads-laundromat-into-an-arcade-in-arcade-paradise #NosebleedInteractive #WiredProductions #ArcadeParadise
#NosebleedInteractive #wiredproductions #ArcadeParadise
The Falconeer just let loose a free DLC that lets you be a proper pirate - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/ZFQpAg95Evc/the-falconeer-free-dlc-atuns-folly-launches-today #WiredProductions #TheFalconeer #TomasSala
#wiredproductions #TheFalconeer #TomasSala
Have you played… Close To The Sun? - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/vgp60n-cFTs/ #FeaturedArticles #WiredProductions #StorminaTeacup #HaveYouPlayed #feature
#featuredarticles #wiredproductions #storminateacup #haveyouplayed #feature
Finally finished, Deliver Us The Moon heads back into orbit today - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/XYWYGTgjxTU/ #KeokeNInteractive #WiredProductions #PCGameNews
#keokeninteractive #wiredproductions #pcgamenews
Martha Is Dead will explore a murder in wartime Tuscany - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/Xv0byNBm5-0/ #WiredProductions #PCGameNews #LKA
#wiredproductions #pcgamenews #lka