Wi-Fi 7: The Next Big Leap Or A Whole Lotta Nothing? - For most people, the Wi-Fi hardware of today provides a perfectly satisfactory use... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/11/wi-fi-7-the-next-big-leap-or-a-whole-lotta-nothing/ #currentevents #wirelesshacks #originalart #featured #interest #802.11be #wi-fi7
#wi #interest #featured #originalart #wirelesshacks #currentevents
Weather Station with Distributed Sensors - Building a weather station is a fairly common project that plenty of us have taken... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/11/weather-station-with-distributed-sensors/ #weatherstation #wirelesshacks #esp-now #modular #sensors #design #esp32 #gui
#gui #esp32 #design #sensors #modular #esp #wirelesshacks #weatherstation
Smart Sphere or Magnetic Magic - Sometimes a coworker sees something on your desk, and they have to ask, “Where can... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/19/smart-sphere-or-magnetic-magic/ #linefollowingrobot #inductivecharger #wirelesshacks #linefollowing #linefollower #ballbearing #marblevator #desktoptoy #toyhacks #illusion #ballbot #how-to #bb-8 #bb
#bb #how #ballbot #illusion #toyhacks #desktoptoy #marblevator #ballbearing #linefollower #linefollowing #wirelesshacks #inductivecharger #linefollowingrobot
Hacking a “Smart” Electric Toothbrush To Reset Its Usage Counter - The visible circuitry inside the brush head.
Following the trend of stuffing more ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/27/hacking-a-smart-electric-toothbrush-to-reset-its-usage-counter/ #electrictoothbrush #wirelesshacks #nfc
#nfc #wirelesshacks #electrictoothbrush
Headset’s Poor Range Fixed By Replacing Antenna - [rafii6312]’s Corsair HS80 wireless headset had a big problem: short range. The so... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/27/headsets-poor-range-fixed-by-replacing-antenna/ #wirelesshacks #rangeboost #3dprinted #enclosure #wireless #antenna #corsair #headset #2.4ghz #usb
#usb #headset #corsair #antenna #wireless #enclosure #3dprinted #rangeboost #wirelesshacks
Nokia N-Gage QD Becomes Universal Bluetooth Gamepad - The Nokia N-Gage might not have put up much of a fight against Nintendo’s handheld... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/26/nokia-n-gage-qd-becomes-universal-bluetooth-gamepad/ #cellphonehacks #wirelesshacks #bluetooth #attiny85 #gamepad #n-gage #games #hc-06 #nokia
#nokia #hc #games #n #gamepad #attiny85 #bluetooth #wirelesshacks #cellphonehacks
Rickrolling SSID with ESP32 - Reddit user [nomoreimfull] posted code for a dynamic WiFi beacon to r/arduino. Th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/23/rickrolling-ssid-with-esp32/ #microcontrollers #wirelesshacks #arduinohacks #rrickroll #esp32 #prank #wi-fi #ssid
#ssid #wi #prank #esp32 #rrickroll #arduinohacks #wirelesshacks #microcontrollers
Wireless Charging on a Massive Scale - Despite the increasing popularity of various electric vehicles, the limits of batt... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/21/wireless-charging-on-a-massive-scale/ #transportationhacks #wirelesshacks #semiconductor #highpower #charging #vehicles #wireless #ferries #busses #ev
#ev #busses #ferries #wireless #vehicles #charging #highpower #semiconductor #wirelesshacks #transportationhacks
Electromagnetic Mechanism Makes Reconfigurable Antenna - Antennas are a key component to any RF gadget. But antennas often only perform wel... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/22/electromagnetic-mechanism-makes-reconfigurable-antenna/ #compliantmechanism #wirelesshacks #radiohacks #antenna
#antenna #radiohacks #wirelesshacks #compliantmechanism
Raspberry Pi Weather Station Features Wireless Sensor Nodes - Online weather services are great for providing generic area forecasts, but they d... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/11/raspberry-pi-weather-station-features-wireless-sensor-nodes/ #weatherforecast #wirelesshacks #weatheralert #raspberrypi #temperature #raspberry #forecast #humidity #weather #bme280 #esp32
#esp32 #bme280 #weather #humidity #forecast #raspberry #temperature #raspberrypi #weatheralert #wirelesshacks #weatherforecast
Inside a 1940’s Spy Radio - The RCA CR-88 was a radio receiver made to work in top-secret government eavesdrop... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/30/inside-a-1940s-spy-radio/ #wirelesshacks #radioreceiver #boatanchor #teardown
#teardown #boatanchor #radioreceiver #wirelesshacks
A Single-Resistor Radio Transmitter, Thanks to the Power of Noise - One of the great things about the Hackaday community is how quickly you find out w... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/27/a-single-resistor-radio-transmitter-thanks-to-the-power-of-noise/ #johnson-nyquist #bandpassfilter #wirelesshacks #johnsonnoise #onoffkeying #modulation #feedhorn #wireless #physics #thermal #lna #ook #sdr
#sdr #ook #lna #thermal #physics #wireless #feedhorn #modulation #onoffkeying #johnsonnoise #wirelesshacks #bandpassfilter #johnson
Tracking Humans with WiFi - In case you thought that cameras, LiDAR, infrared sensors, and the like weren’t en... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/26/tracking-humans-with-wifi/ #artificialintelligence #humandetection #securityhacks #wirelesshacks #posedetection #surveillance #bigbrother #tracking #wifi
#wifi #tracking #bigbrother #surveillance #posedetection #wirelesshacks #securityhacks #humandetection #artificialintelligence
Battery-Powered ESP8266 Sensor? Never Been Simpler - Say, you’re starting your electronics journey with a few projects in mind. You hav... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/31/battery-powered-esp8266-sensor-never-been-simpler/ #wirelesshacks #arduinohacks #batteryhacks #wemosd1mini #wemosminid1 #esp8266 #wemosd1 #how-to #wemos
#wemos #how #wemosd1 #esp8266 #wemosminid1 #wemosd1mini #batteryhacks #arduinohacks #wirelesshacks
Supercon 2022: Mooneer Salem Goes Ham with an ESP32 - After being licensed as a ham radio operator since the early 2000s, you tend to st... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/28/supercon-2022-mooneer-salem-goes-ham-with-an-esp32/ #2022superconference #wirelesshacks #digitalradio #engineering #featured #esp32-s3 #esp32 #radio #cons
#cons #radio #esp32 #featured #engineering #digitalradio #wirelesshacks #2022superconference
Connecting Commercial 433 MHz Sensors to MQTT and Home Assistant with RTL-SDR - When [Elixir of Progress] was looking at setting up environmental sensors around t... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/26/connecting-commercial-433-mhz-sensors-to-mqtt-and-home-assistant-with-rtl-sdr/ #wirelesshacks #homehacks #rtl-sdr #rtl_433 #433mhz
#433mhz #rtl_433 #rtl #homehacks #wirelesshacks
This WiFi Signal Strength Meter Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts - The original Ghostbusters movie is a classic that’s still delivering nearly 40 yea... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/23/this-wifi-signal-strength-meter-aint-afraid-of-no-ghosts/ #raspberrypipicow #wirelesshacks #mischacks #movieprop #aervo #rssi #wifi #pke
#pke #wifi #rssi #aervo #movieprop #mischacks #wirelesshacks #raspberrypipicow
Un localizzatore per animali domestici ha una serie di requisiti particolarmente estenuanti: piccolo, leggero, robusto, con una durata della batteria incredibilmente lunga, sicuro per l'animale ed economico. [Mihai Cuciuc] stava esaminando le opzioni e non era entusiasta di nessuna di esse. Quindi, ...
#15Dicembre #gpshacks #Microcontrollers #WirelessHacks #gpstracker
#GPStracker #wirelesshacks #microcontrollers #gpshacks #15dicembre
Giving Your Pets A Digital Squeak - A pet tracker has a particularly grueling set of requirements: small, light, rugge... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/15/giving-your-pets-a-digital-squeak/ #microcontrollers #wirelesshacks #pettracking #gpstracker #gpshacks #lorawan
#lorawan #gpshacks #gpstracker #pettracking #wirelesshacks #microcontrollers
Roll Your Own WiFi Driver For the Pico W - The Raspberry Pi Pico is a handy little microcontroller that has become a widespre... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/13/roll-your-own-wifi-driver-for-the-pico-w/ #wirelesshacks #raspberrypi #baremetal #pipicow #picowi
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