John Paul Wohlscheid · @johnblood
81 followers · 82 posts · Server

Here's something fun. A dual interview with Programming Visionaries Donald Knuth and Niklaus Wirth from 1985 - computeradsfromthepast.substac

#pchistory #knuth #wirth

Last updated 1 year ago

Not Fortune's Fool · @Notfortunesfool
36 followers · 105 posts · Server

As little scraps of paper Scattered wide as leaves
With flower faces
~ Issa

#wirth #marseilletarot #tarotdemarseille #tarot

Last updated 1 year ago

Not Fortune's Fool · @Notfortunesfool
36 followers · 105 posts · Server

As little scraps of paper Scattered wide as leaves
With flower faces
~ Issa

#wirth #marseilletarot #tarotdemarseille #tarot

Last updated 1 year ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87555 posts · Server
Leonard/Janis Robert König · @ljrk
152 followers · 8887 posts · Server

RT @TobiasBringmann
wurde als späterer Innenminister 1931 von aus der Politik gedrängt. 1933 floh er aus Deutschland.
verweigerte ihm nach 1949 die Pension, weil er dessen, der reinen widersprechenden, Ausgleichspolitik auch mit dem Osten, missbilligte.

#wirth #Hindenburg #adenauer #Westbindung

Last updated 3 years ago

· @Shamar
255 followers · 2474 posts · Server

There are two orthogonal forces at work in the Squeak team [...] the incremental improvement plane (which calls the "pink" plane) and the paradigm shift (or "blue") plane. [...]

The forces in the pink plane have to do with making an ever-better Smalltalk-80 system [...]

The forces in the blue plane have to do with [...] an exquisite personal comuputing environment. [...]

One aspect is that things must stay small and simple enough that they remain comprehensible and accessible to a single person.

I'm always amazed to see how ancient is the quest for .

, 's , , ... we are all looking for the same Holy Grail, dreaming the same dream but in a different way...

#AlanKey #simplicity #jehanne #wirth #oberon #templeos #squeak

Last updated 3 years ago

· @Shamar
255 followers · 2474 posts · Server

Hi, @mjd totally agree.

Given your desires, you might like 's , both as a language and operating system (I do not know if it needs a MMU, though, but to be honest a MMU looks like a quite reasonable hw requirement to me, even just for security reasons).

As for your "free" language of choice, I used to agree more in the past. is likely a good choice because it's possible to study its implementation in a week, but can we say the same about and ?

I used to like both a lot but

- Python is complex and its standard library is huge

- C is quite simple (I have no issue with pointers, more with it's syntax, too arcane for beginners) but its standard includes a crazy standard library

In general we should consider any program that requires more than a month to be completely understood in a month broken by design as locked to a few vendors OR an élite.

Thus how broken are , , , and so on?

#oberon #lua #c #python #gcc #wirth #clang #cpython #nodejs

Last updated 3 years ago

· @Shamar
255 followers · 2474 posts · Server


A WASM OS sounds like a very dystopic nightmare.

's is another attempt into this direction.

I think the biggest advantage of these systems (far ahead of their times) is that they assume no difference between user and programmer.

Also (afaik) they were all single-user systems and I'm unable to say if the two aspects are related or this characteristic is just derived by the hardware/culture of the time.

On the other hand, I would not say that operating systems belongs to the same family, despite being mostly written in C.

It looks like they actually assume/impose a strong separation between user and programmer even just in their perception of the system.

Maybe the multi-user approach is just a further application of this separation.

#wirth #oberon #unix

Last updated 3 years ago

· @Shamar
255 followers · 2474 posts · Server

"What have I learnt?" asks Niklaus .
" must not be regarded as for , but as for "

I hope that one day people will really understand and embrace Wirth's legacy.

We will have a better cybernetic world then.

#wirth #programs #code #computers #literature #humans

Last updated 3 years ago

Sozialwelten · @sozialwelten
1438 followers · 10041 posts · Server