Britt Cudabeck spokesperson for Gov. Tony Evers “Actually, @GovEvers proposed a 10% middle-class tax plan to provide $1.2 billion in tax relief for working families, seniors, caregivers, parents, and veterans, among others,” Cudabeck said in response to one of Wanggard’s tweets. “You rejected it to give 11 filers who make $75 million+ an average $1.8 million tax cut per year instead.” #taxcuts #tonyevers #RobinVos #wisconsin #wisconsinbudget
#wisconsinbudget #wisconsin #RobinVos #tonyevers #taxcuts
“When Evers vetoed the tax cuts for the rich, Vos went ballistic. Lodging his objections via satellite from a luxury hotel in Brussels, Belgium, where he is enjoying a European summer, the visibly agitated speaker hurled epithets at the governor and promised veto override attempts and lawsuits.” #RobinVos #tonyevers #taxcuts #wisconsinbudget #wisgop
#wisgop #wisconsinbudget #taxcuts #tonyevers #RobinVos
ICYMI: @baylorspears looks at what changes in the #WisconsinBudget now that
#GovTonyEvers has signed it, using 51 partial vetoes.
#wisconsinbudget #govtonyevers
From @baylorspears,
#JFCDemocrats go to Milwaukee to hear what people want to see in the next #WisconsinBudget.
#jfcdemocrats #wisconsinbudget
Child care advocates #EarlyEdMatters #RaisingWisconsin campaign for $300M infusion in #WisconsinBudget to continue #WisDCF #ChildCareCounts #ECE funding that boosted wages, forestalled tuition hikes. @erikgunn reports
#earlyedmatters #raisingwisconsin #wisconsinbudget #wisdcf #childcarecounts #ece