Meagan Wolfe wasn’t renominated because three WEC members abstained. “Despite the lack of four votes for Wolfe’s renomination, the Senate moved forward as if she’d been nominated, resulting in the hearing Tuesday. Wolfe did not attend, after Attorney General Josh Kaul wrote in a legal memo that the issue was not properly before the Senate.” #WisconsinElectionCommission #MeaganWolfe #danknodl #JoshKaul #wisconsinexaminer #Wisconsin #WorldOfCrazy
#worldofcrazy #wisconsin #wisconsinexaminer #joshkaul #danknodl #meaganwolfe #wisconsinelectioncommission
Wisconsin elections “world of crazy” #WorldOfCrazy #WisconsinElectionCommission #danknodl #AnnJacobs #Wisconsin #wisconsinexaminer #MeaganWolfe #2020USPresidentialElection #Wisconsinelections
#wisconsinelections #2020USPresidentialElection #meaganwolfe #wisconsinexaminer #wisconsin #annjacobs #danknodl #wisconsinelectioncommission #worldofcrazy
“World of crazy” Wisconsin 2020 election deniers testify at Wisconsin Senate Elections Committee faux hearing of Wisconsin Elections Committee commissioner Meagan Wolfe’s re-nomination (hint: she wasn’t renominated but Senate decided to go ahead with clown show anyway). #WisconsinElectionCommission #2020USPresidentialElection #ElectionDenial #ElectionDeniers #MichaelGableman #danknodl #MeaganWolfe #AnnJacobs #joshkaul
#joshkaul #annjacobs #meaganwolfe #danknodl #MichaelGableman #ElectionDeniers #ElectionDenial #2020USPresidentialElection #wisconsinelectioncommission
Bob Spindell is a busy guy. Not only is he a fake Wisconsin Elector and sits on the Wisconsin Election Commission, but looks like he played a role in the wasteful 2020 Wisconsin election “investigation”. #RobertSpindell #fakeelectors #Wisconsin #MichaelGableman #2020electioninvestigation #WisconsinElectionCommission
#wisconsinelectioncommission #2020electioninvestigation #MichaelGableman #wisconsin #fakeelectors #robertspindell
@capper Great rundown of the wisgop’s latest efforts to prevent fair and free elections in Wisconsin! #wisgop #wisconsinElectionCommission #MeaganWolfe #RobinVos
#RobinVos #meaganwolfe #wisconsinelectioncommission #wisgop
Ugh—Robin Vos is at it again “we will follow the law” (implied: when it suits the wisgop) #RobinVos #wisgop #WisconsinElectionCommission #WisconsinElections #WisconsinGerrymandering #gerrymandering
#gerrymandering #wisconsingerrymandering #wisconsinelections #wisconsinelectioncommission #wisgop #RobinVos
The AP article mentions Robert as a former elector, but Spindell refuses to resign from the #WisconsinElectionCommission, despite being caught celebrating suppressing voters in Milwaukee, especially Black and Hispanic voters.
"Dems: Remove Wisconsin election official for voting comments" | Wisconsin Watch
#WisconsinPolitics #VoterSupression #MilwaukeePolitics #WisconsinVoting #GOPVoterSuppression
#wisconsinelectioncommission #wisconsinpolitics #votersupression #milwaukeepolitics #wisconsinvoting #GOPVoterSuppression
@badachie Robert ‘fake elector’ Spindell, member of Wisconsin Election Commission, brags about Milwaukee voter suppression. #Milwaukee #votersuppression #WisconsinElectionCommission #FakeElectors #UrbanMilwaukee
#urbanmilwaukee #fakeelectors #wisconsinelectioncommission #votersuppression #milwaukee