(27 Aug) - Wisconsin Supreme Court flips liberal, creating a ‘seismic shift’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/27/wisconsin-supreme-court-liberal/ #WisconsinSupremeCourt #SeismicShift #LiberalFlip #PoliticalNews #WashingtonPost #WisconsinPolitics #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110962432313481025
#news #politics #wisconsinpolitics #washingtonpost #politicalnews #liberalflip #seismicshift #wisconsinsupremecourt
National report finds Wisconsin parents stand to lose $232 million in wages if the state fails to fund the Childcare Counts program.
It's estimated that more than 2,000 childcare centers serving 87,000 kids would have to close, pushing parents--mostly mothers if we're being honest--back out of the workforce.
Wisconsin already has a childcare shortage affecting workforce participation. This would be a disaster.
#Wisconsin #WisconsinPolitics
Good news: Governor Evers will veto #Wisconsin budget if Republicans advance $32 million cut to UW System.
Such a cut would be "a ridiculous effort" on Vos's part, he told reporters during a stop at a cheese plant outside of Monroe.
With today's victory in the #wisconsinsupremecourt, we have real hope that small-r republican government has not yet been extinguished in Wisconsin. It's possible that voters will get the representatives they vote for, and the policies put forward by those representatives.
That would be a welcome change from the status quo of the Republican Party telling the voters to eat shit and just doing whatever they want.
#wisconsinsupremecourt #uspol #wipolitics #wisconsinpolitics
Never trust the wording of a referendum question. They are often filled with leading language and devoid of context. Here's a rundown of what will be on the ballot tomorrow, in addition to the #WisconsinSupremeCourt election:
#wisconsinsupremecourt #wisconsin #wisconsinpolitics
Always a treat when I get to write about #wisconsin
#WisconsinSupremeCourt #DanKelly #WisconsinPolitics
#wisconsin #wisconsinsupremecourt #dankelly #wisconsinpolitics
This #Wisconsin church should lose its tax exempt status after engaging in blatant political activity. The pastor circulated a pamphlet saying, ""As a Catholic, I urge you, for the salvation of your soul; do not vote for her in the Supreme Court race on April 4."
#wisconsin #wisconsinsupremecourt #wisconsinpolitics
The #WisconsinSupremeCourt just reappointed Trump lawyer Jim Troupis, who worked to overturn the 2020 election, to the state's Judicial Conduct Advisory Committee.
We REALLY need to flip this court.
#wisconsinsupremecourt #wisconsin #wisconsinpolitics
"No single issue — and certainly no U.S. Supreme Court decision — in recent memory has so catalyzed the Democratic base while attracting support from independents and even Republicans. Even in purple Wisconsin, where a victory by a few points amounts to a landslide, protecting women’s autonomy seems to have become a unifying issue."
From Jennifer Rubin: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/02/22/wisconsin-supreme-court-election-results/
#wisconsin #wisconsinsupremecourt #wisconsinpolitics
Wow. Janet Protasiewicz and Daniel Kelly will face off in April, but #JanetforJustice absolutely crushed him.
53 percent of voters today chose liberal candidates, compared to 46 for the conservatives. I'm sure that this will be a tough fight, but it's good to see blue voters showing up for this important race.
#electionresults #WisconsinSupremeCourt #Wisconsinpolitics #Wisconsin
#janetforjustice #electionresults #wisconsinsupremecourt #wisconsinpolitics #wisconsin
It's Election Day in Wisconsin! Wisconsin has same-day voter registration.
Find your voting place: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/Find-My-Polling-Place
#WisconsinSupremeCourt #Election #ElectionDay #WisconsinPolitics #voting
#wisconsinsupremecourt #election #ElectionDay #wisconsinpolitics #voting
Janet Protasiewicz and Everett Mitchell are the left-wing candidates. Jennifer Dorow and Daniel Kelly are the right-wing candidates.
I am voting for Protasiewicz, who has better fundraising and institutional support. We gotta win this thing in April.
#wisconsin #wisconsinpolitics #wisconsinsupremecourt
Anyone in Wisconsin, please vote in the primary for state Supreme Court on Tuesday and remind everyone you know too. As you've probably heard by now, this race could tip the power balance on the court and impact abortion rights, gerrymandering, voting rights, and more. And it's a (technically) nonpartisan position, so any two of the four candidates could advance from the primary to the April election.
#wisconsin #wisconsinpolitics #elections #abortion #votingrights #fairmaps #gerrymandering
#wisconsin #wisconsinpolitics #elections #abortion #votingrights #fairmaps #gerrymandering
The AP article mentions Robert as a former elector, but Spindell refuses to resign from the #WisconsinElectionCommission, despite being caught celebrating suppressing voters in Milwaukee, especially Black and Hispanic voters.
"Dems: Remove Wisconsin election official for voting comments" | Wisconsin Watch
#WisconsinPolitics #VoterSupression #MilwaukeePolitics #WisconsinVoting #GOPVoterSuppression
#wisconsinelectioncommission #wisconsinpolitics #votersupression #milwaukeepolitics #wisconsinvoting #GOPVoterSuppression
"Wisconsin voting groups criticize GOP minority turnout email | AP News"
Depressingly this is the situation of #WisconsinElections.
>MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Black and Hispanic voters in Wisconsin's largest city say a Republican election commissioner publicly applauding GOP strategies he credits with depressing minority turnout are a public admission of a conservative strategy in place for years.
#wisconsinelections #wisconsinpolitics #wisconsingop #wisconsinvotingrifhts
@democracydocket Hopefully voters turn out for the WI Supreme Court election and flip it from the extreme right wing court it is now thanks to WMC and Diane Hendricks. #WisconsinPolitics #Gerrymandered
#wisconsinpolitics #gerrymandered