"Since 2011, WMC and its allies in the Legislature have erected a number of procedural hurdles and initiated a series of lawsuits designed to make it more difficult for the state to implement and enforce those laws." " It will be up to the courts, including the Wisconsin Supreme Court, to uphold the laws as they were designed and intended." #ScoWis #VoteBlue #environmentaljustice #WisconsinVotes #janet4justice https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2023/03/27/state-supreme-court-decisions-have-a-big-impact-on-wisconsins-environment/
#scowis #VoteBlue #environmentaljustice #wisconsinvotes #janet4justice
Today I rode my bike to the polls and voted. It's Primary Election Day in the critical Wisconsin Supreme Court race. #vote4democracy #endgerrymandering #WisconsinVotes
#vote4democracy #endgerrymandering #wisconsinvotes