Via @baylorspears, #WisDOJ finds one-time Office of School Safety $$$ for 2023-24 school year.
ICYMI: @Hredman reports on opposition among officials from 20-plus states, including #WisDOJ & #GovTonyEvers, to a proposed settlement in a S. Carolina federal court of #PFAS lawsuit against #3M
#wisdoj #govtonyevers #pfas #3m
Via @erikgunn, advocates warn of new threat to #AffordableCareAct: judge's ruling against free preventive care requirement. It's on hold now, but case is still alive. #WisDOJ #PPAWI #ViventHealth #ProtectOurCare
#affordablecareact #wisdoj #ppawi #viventhealth #ProtectOurCare