So while there is a fear of #AI •replacing• humans, this guy has developed AI that connects humans together to form #swarmintelligence, a 'brain of brains' as it were. Really #WisdomOfCrowds on steroids.
#ai #swarmintelligence #wisdomofcrowds
Paging, #wisdomofcrowds !
I have been running a fever for 6 months. It is low-grade throughout the day, up to 101, but rises to 103+ in the evenings/night.
Doctors have checked infectious factors, but my labs just show elevated CRP for the most part.
I am waiting to get in with a new rheumatologist, and my PCP has exhausted his resources. Any thoughts on what they could be looking for in the meantime? Not looking for any kind of diagnosis based on marginal info, but ideas welcome!
Het klopt, en ik kan me daar iets bij voorstellen: staat wél nog in de top 3 in Brussel en Wallonië.
Logica? Hij voert ook het beleid dat ze daar in overgrote meerderheid willen.. #wisdomofcrowds