When driving, stay in your lane. Pay extra attention especially when going around corners.
Just spoke to colleague sitting #exams. They've been having a hard time and their #relationship with #spouse has been suffering. They had taken taken my advice and their relationship had improved considerably.
#exams are tough. #parenting is tough.
Do not attempt to save money while you're attempting to pass exams with #smallKids in the house. Spend your money on #babysitters and on a #cleaner. You'll save a fortune on #divorce laywers and you'll all be much happier.
#exams #relationship #spouse #parenting #smallkids #babysitters #cleaner #divorce #wisdomoferich #examtips
If you're in trouble ask for help.
Birds are surprisingly good company. Keeping a wild bird is cruel, but if you get the opportunity to rescue a bird (and you can put up with mess), take it!
Time is the most precious gift.
We all have too much stuff and not enough time.
Not sure what to give?
Gift your partner a special date where they choose what to do. Sometimes time just to be alone, engage in a hobby, or even just nap, is precious.
Gift your older kids a sweet family dinner or an outing somewhere special.
#wisdomoferich #gifts #presents #relationships #parenting
Want a healthy drink?
It's water.
Drink water. Straight from the tap is great in most places.
#wisdomoferich #DrinkWater #superfoods #healthdrinks #diet
Nuts are a superfood.
Avoid salted nuts though as you'll eat too many and we really don't need the sodium.
Some people can have dangerous allergies, so be careful with that, but if you're not allergic to nuts yum yum.
#wisdomoferich #nuts #superfoods
Being a parent of under five year olds is very hard. Be kind to yourself and your partner. No one is having a good time.
Do your best to surround yourself with family.
If you can make the effort to have a "date" without your kids at least once a week. Don't do anything too fancy, just be together and remind yourselves why you fell in love.
Aim for once a week. You'll be very luck to achieve it, but have the goal then do not get to upset if it cannot happen. Try again next week.
You are hopefully each others best assets.
Baby sitters are cheaper than marriage counselors. Counselors are cheaper than lawyers.
Get babysitting if you have to. You deserve it. Even if you need to organise swaps with other families.
#WisdomOfErich #Toddlers #Babies #Nappies #Under5s #NuclearFamily #RelationshipCounselling #Relationships #Children #Parenting
#wisdomoferich #toddlers #nappies #under5s #nuclearfamily #relationshipcounselling #relationships #children #parenting #babies
If you're not dark skinned, but living in the subtropics or tropics, please for the love of all, wear a hat.
A proper hat, not a ridiculous baseball cap.
(Also, you're probably on someone else's country. Show some respect.)
#wisdomoferich #slipslopslap #wearahat
When things are bad always follow the Serenity Prayer.
If you keep forgetting this, rather than praying, my advice would be get it on a poster and but it in your bathroom.
There are few forms dating back over a thousand years from different cultures, but you know the simple version:
Grant me
serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can, and
wisdom to know the difference.
The challenge is generally in the wisdom. This is one of the few things that gets easier with age (like napping in the afternoon).
#WisdomOfErich #SerenityPrayer #AlcholicsPrayer #LifeIsHard #Triage.
#wisdomoferich #serenityprayer #alcholicsprayer #lifeishard #triage
Read the Desiderata every few years. It is very good.
I think I might to a #TootSeries, that I shall label #WisdomOfErich (Go ahead and bookmark this right now).
Partly self parody, but mostly partly because when you've made enough mistakes over the years, inevitably, generally at 3am, it hits you how you may have done things differently.
We could also file this under #ShitDadSaid or #ThingIWishIHadKnown or #ThingsYourParentsDidntExplain or even, occassionally, #ThingsYouDidntLearnAtMedSchool
#tootseries #wisdomoferich #shitdadsaid #thingiwishihadknown #thingsyourparentsdidntexplain #thingsyoudidntlearnatmedschool