Răng khôn nếu mọc lệch sẽ gây đau nhức, ảnh hưởng đến thẩm mỹ đồng thời dễ gây sâu răng nên cần tiến hành nhổ sớm. Tuy nhiên cần tìm kiếm các nha khoa an toàn để tránh các biến chứng xảy ra khi nhổ răng số 8. Tham khảo ngay những địa chỉ nhổ răng khôn tại TPHCM an toàn, chuyên nghiệp, dịch vụ tốt được tổng hợp tại đây.
#danhsachvang #danh_sách_vàng #health #nhakhoa #dentalclinic #wisdomteeth
#danhsachvang #danh_sach_vang #health #nhakhoa #dentalclinic #wisdomteeth
My wisdom teeth were removed with no real problems at all! I'm feeling pretty alright with like...no swelling at all and I'd say minimal pain so far. I have Ibuprofin and Hydrocodone to help me out when it gets a bit rough, and my partner's here for the next few days to look over me and take care of me and stuff.
I was VERY anxious leading up to this, especially because my computer shit the bed this week and I spent a LOT of money on data recovery that will hopefully recover a lot of my data. We'll see. But it's been a pretty alright recovery so far, and I'm sticking to all soft foods and a ROYAL FUCKTON OF PUDDING for the next while.
One thing that DID go wrong though? The oral surgeon couldn't for the life of him find a vein for the IV. He poked me at least three times and couldn't find it until he went to put it in my hand, and I was already freaking out and the heart monitor was beeping faster and-
#WisdomTeeth #dentistry #DentalWork #Health #Surgery #OralSurgery
#wisdomteeth #dentistry #dentalwork #health #surgery #oralsurgery
Have you been told that it’s time to remove your wisdom teeth? Have you been experiencing pain or pressure?
Please reach out to Coal Creek Oral Surgery and Dental Implant Center to schedule your wisdom tooth evaluation with Dr Hayes.
For more details contact us!
🌐 www.coalcreekoms.com
☎ +1720-588-2505
#CoalCreekOMS #OralSurgeon #OralSurgery #DentalImplant #WisdomTeeth
#coalcreekoms #oralsurgeon #oralsurgery #dentalimplant #wisdomteeth
Have you been told that it’s time to remove your wisdom teeth? Have you been experiencing pain or pressure?
Please reach out to Coal Creek Oral Surgery and Dental Implant Center to schedule your wisdom tooth evaluation with Dr. Hayes.
For more details contact us!
🌐 www.coalcreekoms.com
☎ +1720-588-2505
or drop us a message here!
#CoalCreekOMS #OralSurgeon #OralSurgery #DentalImplant #WisdomTeeth
#coalcreekoms #oralsurgeon #oralsurgery #dentalimplant #wisdomteeth
Well, time for an update on the #WisdomTeeth saga. Saw the specialist again this morning. And there’s good news and bad news. The good news? The extraction holes have healed, no infections! The bad news? The jaw pain is from muscles that were sensitised during the operation, exactly a month ago. The night splint probably needs rebuilding, that might help, but if the muscles are no better in 6 (!} months, we can try Botox. 😬😖😳😩many sore faces….
So several weeks after the #WisdomTeeth extraction, I thought I'd try my night splint (because I clench my jaw and that doesn't help.)
Of course, it now doesn't fit.
There's another ... thousand dollars or so, I'm guessing... #DentalCosts
Since my jaw is still very painful after the #WisdomTeeth extraction on the 18th, I called the dental surgeon today, and managed to get an appointment for Tuesday. I’m getting very tired of not sleeping well, and restricted eating. Poor Wonderdog is also still very sore, after the nerve injury in her back, and not her usual happy boingy self. She’s also not thrilled at her new diet and the sudden cutback in treats!
Today’s photo is from a few years back, Wonderdog shows one of her many skills.
Call back from the specialist: this could last 6 weeks, it’s “quite normal.”
“But I can’t brush my teeth!”
“I’ve spoken to doctor, just do the best you can, and we’ll send that script for pain relief over to your pharmacy for you.”
Well, today I learned that this misery has a name, and it is trismus. And that no, I probably shouldn’t be feeling quite this bad a week after surgery. Whoops, eh? So tomorrow I’m definitely calling the specialist, and probably heading back for a chat. Which means I have to get up early, and I’m not sleeping well, because I’m still in pain, and … arrrrgh!
The boys successfully gobbled up spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner!! 🙌🏼🍝
Then they thought it would be fun to make the other one laugh because it hurts their face to laugh. But they end up laughing and hurting themselves. So both are sitting here with ice packs back on their cheeks while moaning that the other one made them laugh. 🤣🤣🤣😆🤦🏻♀️
#nursemomma #twinlove #teenagelife #wisdomteeth
The 17 yr olds had their wisdom teeth extracted this morning. They are finally back to normal. That was something else. Now I relax and resume normal programming.
#NurseMomma #WisdomTeeth #TwinLove #GroundhogDay #DoubleEverything #TeenageMilestones
#teenagemilestones #doubleeverything #GroundHogDay #twinlove #wisdomteeth #nursemomma