Mal wieder Zeit für #WiseGuys und die #DB
"Jetzt ist #Sommer, egal ob man schwitzt oder friert
Sommer ist, was in deinem Kopf passiert
Es ist Sommer, ich hab das klar gemacht
Sommer ist wenn man trotzdem lacht"
#wiseguys - Jetzt ist Sommer
#sommerwetter #sonnenschein #regen #Gewitter #acapella #mentalhealth
#sommer #wiseguys #sommerwetter #sonnenschein #regen #gewitter #acapella #mentalhealth
Eine sehr ehrliche Woche! Wir sind Klugscheißer („Wise Guys“), Dorftrottel und alte Knacker. Läuft. Gleichzeitig Lachen wir uns aber einen Ast und singen uns einen Wolf:
#podcastdeutsch #jantobiundlars #podcasting #podcast #einserabi #abitur #abi2023 #Abi #Provinz #dagmarberghoff #drerwinmarkus #Markus #ichwillspass #klugscheißer #besserwisser #wiseguys #441777 #redezeit
#podcastdeutsch #jantobiundlars #podcasting #podcast #einserabi #abitur #abi2023 #abi #provinz #dagmarberghoff #drerwinmarkus #Markus #ichwillspass #klugscheißer #besserwisser #wiseguys #redezeit
Moin! 🫠
Heute fühle ich mich eher matschig … die Situation zerrt eben doch mehr an den Nerven, als sie sollte 🤷🏼♀️
Aber die ☀️ Sonne ☀️ scheint 😃
Und ich höre #wiseguys aus Gründen 😅
Genießt den kleinen Freitag! 🤍
A favourite film a day for 365 days.
A second light-hearted heist movie. I think about 3 people saw this, which is a pity, because it's clever and funny and Charles Grodin's deadpan voice-over is a delight.
#comedy #cinephile #cine #drama #classicmovies #oldmovies #actionmovies #cultmovies #vintagemovies #70smovies #crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller #wiseguys #gangster
#comedy #cinephile #cine #drama #classicmovies #oldmovies #actionmovies #cultmovies #vintagemovies #70smovies #crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller #wiseguys #gangster
🎬 #BillyHalop and #JohnGarfield in "They Made Me a Criminal" (1939) screening now @ #TCM
"A young boxer flees to farming country when he thinks he's killed an opponent in the ring."
#30s #framed #wiseguys #warnerbros #Movies #tcm #johngarfield #billyhalop
@Cedara @Blumi147 #schenklradio Jetzt sind dank den #WiseGuys wir in Sachen #Selbstmedikation wieder auf dem aktuellen Stand - danke 😏
#schenklradio #wiseguys #selbstmedikation
Projector Room 134 “The Last of Us!” 23/03/2023
This week The Last of Us, Luther: The Fallen Sun, Wiseguys, Holy Spider, films with Rutger Hauer, MH370 and Ted gets all pervy with a Nymphomaniac!
#Podcast #ProjectorRoom #HolySpider #Luther:TheFallenSun #MH370 #Nymphomaniac #RutgerHauer #SelectiveOutrage #Stratagem #TheLastofUs #Wiseguys
#wiseguys #thelastofus #stratagem #selectiveoutrage #rutgerhauer #nymphomaniac #mh370 #luther #HolySpider #projectorroom #Podcast
It's #30MoreSongsChallenge time!
#Day55: „This song makes me want to travel the world."
#WiseGuys - Radio
#wiseguys #day55 #30moresongschallenge
A favourite film a day for 365 days.
Village police officer in Ireland takes on drug smugglers. And yes, it IS funny. The dialogue zings and every performer seems to be enjoying every second of their time in front of the camera.
#movies #movie #film #cinema #films #hollywood #actress #moviescenes #comedy #cinephile #cine #drama #classicmovies #oldmovies #actionmovies #cultmovies #crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller#crime #movie #wiseguys #gangster #mafia
#movies #movie #film #cinema #films #hollywood #actress #moviescenes #comedy #cinephile #cine #drama #classicmovies #oldmovies #actionmovies #cultmovies #crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller #wiseguys #gangster #mafia
Es ist #songsonntag und über dies Lied bin ich heute nach Jahren wieder gestolpert. Vielleicht sollten wir öfters mal wieder jemanden anrufen, ein Fax schicken oder was auch immer und uns an das Vergangene erinnern.
#songsonntag #songsunday #song #wiseguys
A favourite film a day for 365 days.
Another British crime film that keeps knocking the chair out from under you. Ex-RAF Trevor Howard goes to jail for a murder he didn't commit, escapes and goes looking or revenge. It doesn't go well. Grim, unglamorous and absolutely gripping from start to finish.
#cinephile #cine #drama #classicmovies #oldmovies #cultmovies #vintagemovies
#crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller#crime #movie #wiseguys #moviescenes #gangster
#cinephile #cine #drama #classicmovies #oldmovies #cultmovies #vintagemovies #crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller #movie #wiseguys #moviescenes #gangster
A favourite film a day for 365 days.
Another terrific French gangster movie, from the late, great Jaques Becker.
#cultmovies #vintagemovies #70smovies #horrormovies
#crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller#crime #movie #wiseguys #moviescenes #gangster #mafia
#cultmovies #vintagemovies #70smovies #HorrorMovies #crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller #movie #wiseguys #moviescenes #gangster #mafia
A favourite film a day for 365 days.
Another great French crime film. Another great robbery sequence. And Delon as cool as ever: staring at a man who's just pulled a gun on him and who's asked him why he isn't frightened, he doesn't even shrug as he replies, "Of what?"
#cultmovies #vintagemovies #70smovies #horrormovies
#crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller#crime #movie #wiseguys #moviescenes #gangster #mafia
#cultmovies #vintagemovies #70smovies #HorrorMovies #crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller #movie #wiseguys #moviescenes #gangster #mafia
A favourite film a day for 365 days.
The French have made some terrific crime movies. This one (English title: Rififi) has dated a little, but the actual robbery - in which not a word is spoken for 30 minutes - is as tense and gripping today as it was back in 1955.
Worth looking for.
#cultmovies #vintagemovies #crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller #crime #movie #wiseguys #moviescenes #gangster #mafia #classicmovies #cultmovies #vintagemovies
#cultmovies #vintagemovies #crimefilm #crimemovie #crime #thriller #movie #wiseguys #moviescenes #gangster #mafia #classicmovies
Thanks for the invitation! I will be mentoring at the second XR acceleration program and I hope to work with the best teams out there! 🦄
#WiseGuys Deutsche #Bahn :mastolol: #DB
Liebe Hacker da draußen,
Falls ihr irgendwann mal das Lautsprechersystem der Bahn lahmlegt, lasst doch bitte im selben Zuge den DB-Song der #WiseGuys laufen, ja?
Danke schonmal im Voraus.
Wie erschreckend, wie viele Lieder ich auswenig kann.