For all you @bookstodon people: Here is a #YouTube playlist about episodes of #Wishbone and their literary counterparts.
#youtube #wishbone #books #reading #tv
RT @AmyNewBlue
Having a lot of fun making these fake Wishbone books.
@PBS #fanart #wishbone #bookcovers
5) There's a big gap in the market at #Queenstown for a dedicated plant based / vegan cafe, and also for the same kind of restaurant. Queenstown's vegan tourists have to search endlessly and often face few or overly junky options.
6) Queenstown supermarkets #freshchoice #4square fails to provide even a basic vegan cheese for sandwiches.
7) WTF is #WellingtonAirport so blind to providing #vegan options at cafes etc. #Wishbone can't do a hummus & salad sandwich? No Whittaker's oat chocolate?
#Queenstown #freshchoice #4square #wellingtonairport #vegan #wishbone
#Wishbone Ash est un groupe de rock britannique, originaire de Torquay, dans le Devon, en Angleterre. L'originalité du groupe est la remarquable entente de ses deux guitaristes et leur jeu varié. Par sa technique d'harmonisation des deux guitares, Wishbone Ash a influencé des groupes de hard rock tels que Thin Lizzy ou Iron Maiden.
Rhaa faire une recherche (#duckduckgo) sur le #wishbone est une gageure :
Si on tape «wishbone» -> on obtient des trucs de surfeurs winners
Si on ajoute «HDL» histoire de dire que c'est de la description materiel -> Des trucs pour diminuer son #cholesterol !
Pour enfin tomber sur la doc que l'on cherche il faut donc taper : «wishbone hdl protocol» :)
#duckduckgo #wishbone #cholesterol #hdl #fpga #recherche
And these #wishbone plant blossoms. But the thing is, we only had blue before, and now there are pink ones. Don't know where those came from but a welcome addition to our yard nonetheless. It's a shame that these are annuals and not perennials. #florespondence
A Saturday morning look from Ella
#startrek #wishbone #Cat #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
I feel like I didn't appreciate the show #Wishbone enough when I was a kid.
They visit books every episode and it's 30 minutes of a talking Jack Russell Terrier as the main character; what more is there to want.