Nice to see how our spreadsheet on LOD research management tools turned into that results 😊
@lozross & @rnsrk Talk @DHd2023 "Forschungsdaten-Management-Services für Linked Open Data: Ein Vergleich" #SemanticWeb #LOD #WissKI #Wikibase #DHd2023
#semanticweb #lod #wisski #wikibase #DHd2023
We already have thousands and thousands of #Schreibkalender from the years 1540–1800 in the database, and we will grow these numbers substantially over the next years. We offer various search options, among others by authors, publishers, titles, printing places, dates, etc. Just have a look:
By the way, we are using the open source database software #WissKI in the project, dear #digitalhistory experts. #histodons
#schreibkalender #wisski #digitalhistory #histodons
#WissKI #Hackathon am #GNM! Federated SPARQL Queries sind auf einem guten Weg dank den Nerd:innen 🤓 aus Erlangen, Bayreuth, Heidelberg und Nürnberg!
#WAT?! Das 4. #WissKI-Anwender:innentreffen findet am 8. Dezember von 9-13 Uhr online statt. Anmeldelink und Programm:
Das 4 #wisski-Anwender:innentreffen findet am 8. Dezember statt: