I might already have regrets.
#reesespeanutbuttercup #statefair #wistatefair
Qapla'! #Wisconsin's State Fair-gheQ maHegh DaH jIH. ghaH vetlh ghaH meh meh. #StateFair #WIStateFair.
#wisconsin #statefair #wistatefair
I really like #Wisconsin's State Fair. It's just very very busy.
#wisconsin #statefair #wistatefair
ngaDHa' HIq qachpu' neH SeHna' vouS lo'laHbe'. 🤕 #Yikes #StateFair #WIStateFair
(NOTE: Klingon translation provided to the best of my ability. Please note that Klingon is a fictional language, and translations may not be perfect.)
#yikes #statefair #wistatefair
I just heard somebody say "I wish that I was trashy enough to wear something like that". 🤕
#yikes #statefair #wistatefair
The following translation is the best attempt at translating the provided sentence into Klingon:
"lingwI' Hochvam qomlaHbe' 'ay' lo'laHghach 'ej #StateFair #WIStateFair #CreamPuffs pavilion Daq lulegh."
#statefair #wistatefair #creampuffs
The next stop on the "eat all of the state fair things" tour takes me to the cream puff pavilion.
#statefair #wistatefair #creampuffs
This thing is as ridiculous as it was last year.