Short rib cook today on the #CharGrillerGravity980. Prime NZ steer, #RumAndQue #TheBeefRub. Cooking some smoked macaroni cheese on the side. #BBQ #WitchBarbecue #nzmasto
#chargrillergravity980 #rumandque #thebeefrub #bbq #witchbarbecue #nzmasto
I did a lazy homekill brisket on the #CharGriller today. Three hours naked, 3 hours wrapped and rested for a couple of hours.
#chargriller #bbq #NZBBQ #witchbarbecue
I commissioned a frivolous corten steel thing to hang in my #BBQ area.
Sorry @pepperraccoon we had to slightly butcher your design to make this work in steel. It will weather to a rusty patina pretty quickly and then darken over a year or so.
#WitchBarbecue #NZBBQ