Gizmodo: 10 Horror Movies to Watch on Shudder Right Now #thetexaschainsawmassacre #entertainmentculture #christiantafdrup #chuckconnors #aliensjason #gawkermedia #jamesmcavoy #bettedavis #houseofwax #karenblack #larrycohen #horrorfilm #witchboard #oliverreed #dancurtis #annacamp #sam #io9 #it
#thetexaschainsawmassacre #entertainmentculture #christiantafdrup #chuckconnors #aliensjason #gawkermedia #jamesmcavoy #bettedavis #houseofwax #karenblack #larrycohen #horrorfilm #witchboard #oliverreed #dancurtis #annacamp #sam #io9 #it
The money behind movies always amazes me. I mean, even "cheap" movies. I write books on a budget of Not Quite Starving.
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
I feel like the Stephen Crowder character should have died #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #Witchboard
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #witchboard
the douchebag lived happily ever after but they primed us for a sequel which actually happened
#TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #Witchboard
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #witchboard
Nothing like a Marlboro-voiced and chipmunk-cheeked epilogue.
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
"Shooting me in the leg won't accomplish anything, James. My evil is in the hair."
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
This dude is just repressed and wanted to choke another man by possessing a woman no kink shaming #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #Witchboard
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #witchboard
Ooh, sexy fedora girl!
Wait, did I say that out loud?
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
"You've unleashed The Beast, baby; deal with it!"
God, I love you guys.
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
So, Balphegor is actually a thing. Maybe Malphegor is his sister on Family Ties?
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
I actually like a little bromancing. What's the female equivalent? I guess maybe there isn't one because nobody wants us to get along.
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
Protagonists don’t need to be “likeable” or “relatable,” but when you want to shoot them in the face, that *is* a problem #Witchboard #TheLastDriveIn
"Predicting that I'm gonna drink alcohol? I mean, the odds on that are better than a coin flip."
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
"Team Evil, baby!"
Hell yeah, Team Darcy!
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
I never really understood the difference between a cinematographer and a director.
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
Oh, shit, am I that drunk already? I could swear some kind of magic elephant metaphor just popped up out of nowhere.
#mutantfam #thelastdrivein #witchboard
So...are we gonna talk about the glassed fireaxe and fire extinguisher in rotund landing of
#witchboard #sexandfire #thelastdrivein
I feel responsible *literally caused the whole thing* yeah bitch you should feel bad #TheLastDriveIn #Witchboard #MutantFam #HorrorFam
#thelastdrivein #witchboard #mutantfam #HorrorFam