Logan Grendel (any pronoun) · @focusedoninfinity
303 followers · 475 posts · Server todon.eu
Logan Grendel (any pronoun) · @focusedoninfinity
276 followers · 420 posts · Server todon.eu
Betty Burlesque · @grotesqueburlesque
80 followers · 611 posts · Server mas.to

Witches Truth Post
News, graphics & stories for the Magicka
and Non-Magick
Created by Hex (he,him,his) 2020
Located in Miami, FL

#witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #lgbtqia #antigunviolence

Last updated 2 years ago

Logan Grendel (any pronoun) · @focusedoninfinity
228 followers · 332 posts · Server todon.eu

It really is miraculous what is possible if you just give it a go. Nature wants to provide, we are just used to believing that the world is less hospitable than it is by nature. There is so much bounty everywhere, but we have grown up believing that we must fight for every scrap. But the truth is that almost everything we need comes right up out of the ground most places it hasn't been shaved down to make room for basically barren grass. And where it doesn't come right out, we can, with a little human ingenuity, make it come up there.
Spread the word, the revolution starts from the ground up. Resistance is fertile.💚🖤

#growyourownfood #growfoodnotlawns #InfinityGarden #garden #urbangarden #urbanfarming #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #witchesofmastodon #gardenwitch #DIY #growyourown #fuckmonsanto

Last updated 2 years ago

Logan Grendel (any pronoun) · @focusedoninfinity
228 followers · 332 posts · Server todon.eu
Logan Grendel (any pronoun) · @focusedoninfinity
228 followers · 332 posts · Server todon.eu
Logan Grendel (any pronoun) · @focusedoninfinity
228 followers · 332 posts · Server todon.eu

"Nobody in history has ever gotten freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people oppressing them." - Assata Shakur
We have to use *power* if anything is going to change. And by power I don't mean might or physical force, but solidarity and care.
I'm currently compiling info for an episode on how we can make a happen. If you have any ideas my dms are open📲
Solidarity with the people of Haiti, India, and everywhere else there is an uprising.
Join my Patreon for more art, garden, music, Magick, and political content you won't find elsewhere. Link in bio↖️

#generalstrike #FocusedonInfinity #LoganGrendel #Podcast #politics #NonBinary #DirectAction #acab #socialism #indiastrikes #haiti #MutualAid #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #linkinbio #leftist #nazipunksfuckoff #blacklivesmatter #abolition #abolishpolice #solidarity #internationalproletarianrevolution

Last updated 4 years ago