Machen wir doch Schülerstreiche strafbar – Das nächste Hysterielevel im Land der Törrichter und Henker #OberbayrischeVolkszeitung #HubertAiwanger #Lächerlichkeit #Kunstlehrerin #JunkMedien #Witchhunt #GudrunA. #Kampagne #t-online #Säure
#saure #t #kampagne #gudruna #witchhunt #junkmedien #kunstlehrerin #lacherlichkeit #hubertaiwanger #oberbayrischevolkszeitung
Reading notes by @aworkinglibrary on Silvia #Federici's #book "Caliban and the Witch /
Women, The Body and Primitive #Accumulation":
#capitalism #plague #history #witchHunt #workforce #employment #housework
#federici #book #accumulation #capitalism #plague #history #witchhunt #workforce #employment #housework
#ThirdWorldAmerica here we come. #Trump becomes first US president in history to receive mugshot. Trump’s surrender comes at overcrowded, violent and insect-ridden Georgia jail. It has come to this. #TrumpMugShot #TrumpTrial #WitchHunt #PoliticalTrial
#thirdworldamerica #trump #trumpmugshot #trumptrial #witchhunt #politicaltrial
So bitter es klingt, dieses Foto gewinnt die #USWahl.
#Trump muss jetzt verurteilt werden und selbst dann kann diese Lüge von der #Witchhunt zünden.
They really don't have anything better to do. #witchhunt #GOP
Warning: Do not play a drinking game where you take a shot every time Trump says "Witch Hunt!"
You. Will. Die. #Trump #WitchHunt #DrinkingGame #Alcohol #Poisoning
#poisoning #alcohol #drinkinggame #witchhunt #Trump
I can’t believe they arrest these sailors while Hunter Biden walks free. #witchhunt 🤪 #<8^) *
Wouldn't it be hilarious if we found out like decades from now that Donald Trump actually practices Witchcraft?
Witch hunt.
#DonaldTrump #JackSmith #WitchHunt #TrumperTantrum
#trumpertantrum #witchhunt #jacksmith #DonaldTrump
The #autocratic government of #ElSalvador has been conducting massive arrests in a crime crackdown. In this modern day #witchhunt, thousands of innocent citizens have been incarcerated without evidence or trial. Now the #dictatorship wants to carry out massive trials to be able to "legally" condemn them for life. 🇸🇻 👩⚖️
The world should react!
#autocratic #elsalvador #witchhunt #dictatorship
One of our media's biggest mistakes attempting to handle the GOP's #WitchHunt to politically wound Biden is that they continue to call these Republican operatives whistleblowers when they're not.
he did not steal sensitive documents and impede their return to the government
he did not incite a riot resulting in deaths and never intended to prevent congress from doing their job in confirming an election
he did not try to get government officials in several states to overturn an election with false slates of electors
he never sexually assaulted women
he never committed tax fraud
"The righteous rise
With burning eyes
Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies
To beat and burn and kill"
That GOP congressman James Comer's missing "whistleblower" turns out to be a Chinese "spy" with ties to the Trump campaign to be POTUS should embarrass every media person that has treated the #HunterBiden situation as anything besides political #witchhunt
We need for our media to become much better at NOT helping our foreign adversaries attempting to end democracy damnit.
I'm sorry for all y'all Garland haters. It must interfere with your enjoyment that I get from watching this wicked witch melt down from our #WitchHunt as he's so fond of putting it.
Watching the wicked witch melt is my favorite part of a #WitchHunt.
It would be so classically conservative if the only person to actually get convicted for a crime from the Durham #WitchHunt is John Durham. 🤣