Elionora is annoyed that commenters on her #WitchTok unboxing videos are calling her #inclusivity into doubt. "All I said was that you could wear the robes to work, a moot or an informal ritual!" she said, rummaging through my herbal teabag tin. "Doesn't everyone need to go to a ritual occasionally, say if their normal friends are getting handfasted, or at Samhain? And haven't you got any of the pomegranate and cranberry ones left?"
#witchtok #inclusivity #insularkingdoms
Und #witchtok auf #tiktok ist halt einfach eine Armee #FluffBunnies die ihren Lifestyle verkaufen. Das ist widerlich. Damit sitzen die für mich auf dem gleichen Ast wie die #völkischen und Leute die #Orgoniten verkaufen. Zum einen haben die mit den erfahrenen Hexen keinen Sinnvollen Kontakt, und zum anderen ist das nur ein Profilierungs Ding. Innerhalb der Szene hat man sich untereinander Ritualbedarf verkauft (Etsy Kenner wissen bescheid) oder getauscht. Klar geht es dabei um die Ästhetik 🧵 5/?
#orgoniten #volkischen #fluffbunnies #tiktok #witchtok
Aber wie auch immer, ich hatte trotzdem eine Namensgebung etc. und hatte auch meine #initiation
Ich weiß durchaus wovon ich rede
Und #witchtok ist das schlimmste, dass der Szene je passiert ist.
Für Neulinge die zum #schwurbeln neigen, gab es schon immer einen Ausdruck: #FluffBunnies. Jung-"Hexen" etc die an #Heilkristalle glauben und absurde #ehrfurcht vor #tarot haben. Man hat die dann aufgenommen und erklärt, worum es eigentlich geht...
Und das geht bei #tiktok #hexen nicht so einfach 🧵 3/?
#hexen #tiktok #tarot #Ehrfurcht #heilkristalle #fluffbunnies #schwurbeln #witchtok #initiation
Irgendwo auf #Instagram und #TikTok findet sich #Esoterik unter Hashtags wie #WitchTok und #CrystalTok die mit Milliarden Videos verknüpft sind und ganz offen neumodische #Scharlatanerie betreiben. Da ich auf diesen Seiten schlicht nie bin, wäre das komplett an mir vorbeigegangen. Zum Glück wurde es mal wieder wunderbar auf #YouTube aufbereitet von #Ultralativ:
#instagram #tiktok #esoterik #witchtok #crystaltok #scharlatanerie #youtube #ultralativ
Orion showed up on the doorstep to ask if we had a policy about uploading material from the #VillageShow to #WitchTok. I said I thought there was something in the bylaws about remote viewing?
#villageshow #witchtok #insularkingdoms
This morning Ms Nin-Zid greeted me with a cup of coffee and the news that #WitchTok has apparently cursed Betelgeuse.
#WitchTok: Eine junge Generation von Hexen beschwört auf TikTok das Übersinnliche https://www.swr.de/swr2/leben-und-gesellschaft/witchtok-hexen-auf-tiktok-100.html
Fuck around and find out!
I have been wanting to do a video to this sound for so long, and I finally found the courage to do it and I feel so liberated! AHHH! Yes!
#LightThisCandle #Witchcraft #Witchtok #Protected #SpiritGuide #NatureWitch #ForestWitch
#lightthiscandle #witchcraft #witchtok #protected #spiritguide #naturewitch #forestwitch
Another amazing and positive reading with my #SpiritGuide #White - yesterday she was calling me out, today shes comforting and guiding me! I love our relationship!
I am so blessed 🥰❤️
Seeing one of my soul-cards made it even better. I like to use those as a signal that White is with me ❤️
Ahh I am so happy!
#DailyTarot #Tarot #TarotRead #Divination #NatureWitch #Witchtok #TarotDraw #ForestWitch #Witchcraft #Lightseers
#spiritguide #white #dailytarot #Tarot #tarotread #divination #naturewitch #witchtok #tarotdraw #forestwitch #witchcraft #lightseers
*** Notice: I am still sick **
Today I tried something a bit out of the ordinary, and shuffled between each draw just to see what would happen and how it would effect the read, please excuse how clumsy my hands are, I am still sick and recovering. I really enjoyed doing it that way, will I do it every time probably not, but it was fun to experiment.
You can see that when the 5 came up I shrugged a little because I didnt know what the cards meant until I looked them up. Still learning!
All in all a good message and read from White my Spirit Guide ❤️🥰🐺
#DailyTarot #Tarot #TarotRead #Divination #NatureWitch #Witchtok #TarotDraw #ForestWitch #SpiritGuide
#DailyTarot #Tarot #TarotRead #Divination #naturewitch #witchtok #tarotdraw #forestwitch #spiritguide
Oracle Card for Jan 10, 2023 - Archangel Michael!
#oraclecards #oraclecardreading #divination #witchtok #spirituality #tarotreading #tarotcards
#tarotcards #tarotreading #spirituality #witchtok #divination #oraclecardreading #oracleCards
So this Daily Tarot reading was completely different because I was experimenting some more. I thought it would be cool to incorperate a spell candle and my pendulum again.
I liked the vibes and feelings I got from White by experimenting and of course she took this oppertunity to call me out again, which is fine, I guess I needed it.
All in a good #DailyTarot #Tarot read today and I am so excited to be trying new things!
#TarotRead #Divination #NatureWitch #Witchtok #Witchcraft #TarotDraw #Healing #GuardianOfTheNight
#DailyTarot #Tarot #TarotRead #Divination #naturewitch #witchtok #witchcraft #tarotdraw #healing #GuardianOfTheNight
#tarot in the news: a professor is suing a #tiktok personality, as they’ve been claiming said prof was involved in a murder.
But since the #witchtok person has no hard evidence beyond their card reading…
…it’s definitely a bad idea, but is it defamatory? https://popehat.substack.com/p/can-a-tarot-card-reading-be-defamatory
Hey #WitchTok, lets maybe not do this:
This is... so unethical and gross.
#psychic #tarotreader #tarot #witchtok
https://religion.masto.host/@PaganWhoHasItAll/109447100139885869 #PaganSplainer
I can't do better at explaining #WitchTok than the wonderful Thumper Forge does here: https://religion.masto.host/@PaganWhoHasItAll/109447100139885869 (link may be NSFW).
Matters have escalated. Mr Ardanes down the road has offered to trim the bushes at the front of his cottage if I agree to help him put it on #WitchTok.
S01E57: Hex The Fed
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
And welcome back to Behind The Sch3m3s!
The Gates fling open tonight when @lavish kicks this party off diving thru some family history of “Oh Billy Boy!”.
Second 2nd Half of Show cracks open the millennial book of shadows to reveal #WitchTok! Or maybe the Mage department of the N.W.O.
Can somebody grab that AK from the monkey please??
S01E57: Hex The Fed
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
And welcome back to Behind The Sch3m3s!
The Gates fling open tonight when @lavish kicks this party off diving thru some family history of “Oh Billy Boy!”.
Second 2nd Half of Show cracks open the millennial book of shadows to reveal #WitchTok! Or maybe the Mage department of the N.W.O.
Can somebody grab that AK from the monkey please??