RT @HooklandGuide@twitter.com
For it is said some witches know the summoning of the Ghost Bear. They have sent it to their foes where it has caused much fright and damage to property. It is the most fearsome of spirits and refuses to be warded against. – Dr. Bron, 1636 #WitchWednesday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HooklandGuide/status/1646281801948692480
RT @HooklandGuide@twitter.com
I'm a witch. I refuse the word bleak for the land. You see a wideness of empty mud, a storm-growl sky. I see the gift of puddled scrying mirror, tellings of harvest in reflected clouds. I hear the song of green tomorrows, lovemaking in the barley. – #EmilyBanting #WitchWednesday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HooklandGuide/status/1641113520690413569
RT @HooklandGuide@twitter.com
The witch's tree is not hazel, blackthorn or ash. It is any damn tree she chooses to hold a conversation with. She hears it mutter in winter sleeping, is there to say its bare bones look beautiful as it pulls on spring's green robes. – #EmilyBanting #WitchWednesday #GothicSpring
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HooklandGuide/status/1636105294806753288
#EmilyBanting #witchwednesday #GothicSpring
dreócræft [ ᛞᚱᛖᚩᚳᚱᚫᚠᛏ ]: the magical arts; magic work ; casting magic; spell casting
dreó / drí / drý: A sorcerer, #magus; sorcery
cræft: strength ; power ; skill ; device, especially magical
Pronunciation: https://files-thefolklore-cafe.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/attachments/dreocraeft.m4a
This is the act of spell binding / making of powerful magic by a great #sorcerer.
"Simon se drý þurh dreócræft worhte ærene næddran, and ða hie styredan"
Translation: Simon the sorcerer [ #SimonMagus] made adders [snakes] made of brass and though the use of #magic they moved by themselves
"Hé bysmraþ men mid his dreócræfte"
Translation: He mocked men with his magical skills
#AngloSaxon #Jutish #WyrdWednesday #Folklore #pagan #WitchWednesday #Witchcraft
#oldenglish #wordoftheday #magus #sorcerer #simonmagus #magic #anglosaxon #jutish #wyrdwednesday #folklore #pagan #witchwednesday #witchcraft
For #WyrdWednesday: a glass bottle said to contain a witch. In 1915, the bottle's owner is said to have remarked: "They do say there be a witch in it, and if you let un out there'll be a peck o'trouble." #WitchWednesday
At the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford (1926.6.1)
#WyrdWednesday #witchwednesday
Mater Oh-B-Joyful Riley was the daughter of a non-conformist minister in Derry. She ran away at an early age and made her way to Roslin, #IsleOfWight .
She was known for her skill as a healer, midwife and especially for her depth of #cunning. She always said her skill was gifted by the #Elvish .
Mysteriously she suddenly disappeared one foggy evening and was never seen again. People say the Somewhen came and took her to live forever with her beloved elves
#isleofwight #cunning #elvish #witchwednesday #wyrdwednesday
I still say the best "curse" I have ever heard is in the early episodes of @oldgodspod and starts with something like "Let there be green."
RT @HooklandGuide
For the land is the witch’s temple. The slow brook sings prayers for her. Trees whisper wisdom. The core of our witchery is relationships to the green powers. These are made strong and fierce in the feral spaces of wood, hedge and shore. - #EmilyBanting, 1981 #WitchWednesday
I saw Allison Pearson trending in the UK and thought "wow, #WitchWednesday has really taken off!".
Autumn. The season of the witch. Lush greens transfigured to fox-fur auburn. Witch and fox are allies of old. In Welsh folklore, mischievous sorceresses became vixens to mislead the hunt. The cunning fox acts as familiar, guide, and guise for the Cunning Woman. #WitchWednesday
That time @dhitchcie@twitter.com drew a story about witches I wrote for Heavy Metal Magazine (uncoloured, unlettered page) #witchwednesday