Hey Astro fans, I added an example here on how to Serialize server data once, access everywhere in the client:
#buildwithastro #withastro #webdev #frontend #astro
Has anyone had success using Tailwind with Astro in VSCode? Turns out the Headwind extension, which I use to sort Tailwind classes on save, doesn't work on Astro files. I spent a couple hours last night trying to setup ESLint/Prettier to get the same functionality but I had a lot of issues. If anyone has a repo they could point to where that is working, please let me know.
#withastro #tailwindcss #eslint #prettier
has anyone got Astro SSR working on azure static web apps? It appears nuxt and next are supported so it looks like it should technically be feasible
#withastro #azure #webdev #azurestaticwebapps
my #withastro builds are getting a bit slow, does anyone have any experience caching graphql queries? I’m just using raw fetch() queries. should I look at a #graphql lib? @astro #webdev
#WithAstro on aika työkalu. En tekovaiheessa yrittänyt saada täydellistä riviä mutta niin vain mitattaessa kävi näin.
Toki näillä sivuilla on aika minimaalisesti medioita ja JavaScriptiä ylipäätään. Samoin kun aina pyrkii tekemään kevyttä ja vikkelää, niin taito harjaantuu. Plus sen jälkeen kun löysi Modern Font Stacksin niin eipä sitä niin paljon ole webfonttejakaan kaivannut!
#withastro #pagespeedinsights #seo #website #indieweb
Kotisivujen uusiminen on rankkaa puuhaa. Varsinkin kun vielä kertaalleen muuttaa sisällön syntaksin muotoa, tällä erää markdowniin / Astron MDX:ään.
Enkä toki milloinkaan ole ollut mikään designeri. Kunhan kursin jotain kasaan 😅
Saa nähdä tuleeko vielä tämän kuluvankaan viikon aikana valmista...
does anyone know how to disable all this red nagging in #vsCode?
Must be a typescript / #withAstro plugin setting but I’m not sure what to look for.
I’m not even using typescript so please stop defacing my editor. I’m quite capable of making my code look bad on my own.
While I add to code my own <picture> component with blurry placeholders and fade in loading, #withastro made that very easy with their assets management pipeline. I even add the time to add in dynamically generated social share images! I don't need to do those by hand anymore.
My only gripe with it is that the tooling, especially in the JetBrains world, is non-existent; and the built-in linter has a bug with framework components (I did open an issue about that).
I'm honestly super satisfied.
https://andrewmoore.ca is built using Astro now 🎉
It took me about 5 days to re-implement my site with @astro . The developer experience is amazing, the team is super helpful, and the build times... wow. I went from 35 minutes with #GatsbyJS down to 20 seconds (both figures are with a primed cache).
Why did I chose #withastro over #GatsbyJS or even #NextJS ? 🧵
New blog: Why we chose Astro over Nuxt
We've shipped dozens of Nuxt websites, so why build our own website with Astro? (TLDR: performance!)
#withastro #nuxt #vue #webdev #threejs
📯 delighted to push my very long new website live 📯
do check it out if you're into three.js/css animation.
I'm always open for all sorts of design & dev jobs, hit me up if you need anything 🍾
#threejs #css #withastro #webdev #vuejs
for astro sites on netlify: add a file named _headers to your /public folder containing
X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
We are on the Astro Showcase page https://astro.build/showcase/4/ (link changes every week). You can also submit your site built with Astro at https://github.com/withastro/roadmap/discussions/521. Thanks @astro for this feature 🙌
#opensource #openresource #withastro
We are on the Astro Showcase page https://astro.build/showcase/4/ (link changes every week). You can also submit your site built with Astro at https://github.com/withastro/roadmap/discussions/521. Thanks /@astro@webtoo.ls for this feature 🙌
#opensource #openresource #withastro
Live stream of https://openresource.dev development on Twitch today at 16:30 (French time). See ya at https://twitch.tv/julienunderscore.
#opensource #openresource #withastro #development #twitch
Live stream on Twitch today at 16:30 (French time) of https://openresource.dev development.
See ya at https://www.twitch.tv/julienunderscore
#opensource #openresource #withastro #development #twitch
made a super simple ‘latest posts’ carousel for my website – absolute doddle #withastro and mastodon. no oauth dance, no libraries, just a straight up fetch and plonk the code on the page
@MonaApp me again with another feature request!
it would be ideal if one could select multiple hashtags in a hashtag column, ie I have one set to #webdev but it would be great if I could be watching #webdev + #javascript + #css + #html + #withastro + #vue etc all in one column.
thanks again for the amazing mona. when are you going to let us pay you for it?!
#webdev #javascript #css #html #withastro #vue