This week’s User Spotlight is on Justin Kenney, an assistant professor in the Biological Sciences Department at Wayne State University! #withHCR, Justin is able to conduct whole-brain mapping in tissue-cleared adult zebrafish brains. “The technique is great because the probes readily penetrate the large chunk of tissue. It’s wonderful to have a technique in which we have high confidence in whatever the target!” Check out his stunning image of a zebrafish brain below:
This week’s Research Spotlight is on the Wang et al. (2023) publication, “Multimodal mapping of cell types and projections in the central nucleus of the amygdala.” #HCRimaging helped Wang et al. determine spatial, morphological, and connectivity properties of molecularly defined central nucleus amygdala neurons. Read their work in more detail here:
#withhcr #amygdala #neurons #hcrimaging
This week’s User Spotlight is on Jun Takatoh, a research scientist in the Wang Lab at MIT! Through HCR RNA-FISH, Jun has been able to gain insight into the connectivity and molecular profiles of the neural circuits that regulate orofacial behaviors. “[HCR RNA-FISH] significantly streamlines the process of dissecting neural circuits.” Check out his stunning image #withHCR here:
#hcrimaging #mouse #fluorescencefriday #withhcr
This week’s User Spotlight is on Sadie Bergeron, an associate professor at the WVU Departments of Biology and Neuroscience! Sadie appreciates how #HCRimaging enables researchers to visualize mRNA localization within neurons. “It’s been really great to compare with colorimetric in situ hybridization results.” Check out her latest publication #withHCR here:
#mrna #neurons #withhcr #hcrimaging
This week’s User Spotlight is on Janani Ramachandran, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher in the Vokes Lab at the The University of Texas at Austin! HCR RNA-FISH helped Janani understand the role of Hedgehog signaling in the development of the mouse larynx. #withHCR’s multiplexing features, she was able to visualize the expression domains of several genes along the developing foregut and larynx. Check out her work in more detail here:
#hcrimaging #mouse #spotlight #user #withhcr
This week’s User Spotlight is on Julia Peloggia de Castro, a PhD candidate in the Piotrowski Lab at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research! Julia studies developmental plasticity using the zebrafish lateral line and ionocytes as models. #withHCR, she is able to map gene co-expression with single cell resolution even in crowded tissues like the lateral line. Check out Julia’s stunning image here:
#hcrimaging #zebrafish #fluorescencefriday #spotlight #user #withhcr
This week’s User Spotlight is on Joshua Raji, a postdoctoral student in the Potter Lab at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine! Joshua appreciates that whenever he visualizes his images on the confocal microscope #withHCR, “the signals are bright with less background, and it always works like magic!” Check out his stunning HCR RNA-FISH images of the mosquito antenna below:
#user #spotlight #HCRimaging #FluorescenceFriday #mosquito #antenna
#antenna #mosquito #fluorescencefriday #hcrimaging #spotlight #user #withhcr
This week’s User Spotlight is on Eric Horstick, an assistant professor at the West Virginia University Department of Biology! #withHCR, Eric was able to test for gene expression and neural activity changes in vivo that would have otherwise been challenging with other methods. View his beautiful HCR RNA-FISH images of larval zebrafish below, and check out his lab page for more info here:
#zebrafish #fluorescencefriday #hcrimaging #spotlight #user #withhcr
This week’s User Spotlight is on Petra Popovics, an assistant professor at the Eastern Virginia Medical School! While she was a former assistant scientist in the Ricke Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, HCR™ RNA-FISH helped Petra identify different immune cell types in the mouse prostate and localize Spp1 expression in luminal microphages. Check out her latest publication #withHCR here:
#fluorescencefriday #hcrimaging #spotlight #user #withhcr
This week’s User Spotlight is on Cambrian Liu, a research assistant professor and group leader of the Cambrian Liu Lab at The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine! Cambrian appreciates the simplicity of HCR RNA-FISH. “The protocol and multiplex labeling were much easier than ACDBio’s.” Check out his stunning images #withHCR of mouse FFPE sections in the colon, small intestines, and anus here:
#fluorescencefriday #hcrimaging #spotlight #user #withhcr
This week’s User Spotlight is on Madeline Ryan, a research technician in the Tsai Lab at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis! The HCR Platform’s ability to visualize the expression of multiple genes at the same time has helped Madeline to map out cell-type specific expression of various adhesion molecules in the zebrafish spinal cord. Check out her stunning images #withHCR here:
#hcrimaging #spotlight #user #fluorescencefriday #withhcr
This week's User Spotlight is on Christine Insinna (Kettenhofen), a researcher in the Laboratory of Cell and Developmental Signaling at the National Cancer Institute (NCI)! By performing combined HCR RNA-FISH for her mRNA of interest and immunostaining with an anti-acetylated tubulin antibody, Christine was able to determine specific mRNA expression in ciliated organs during zebrafish development. Check out her paper #withHCR here:
#hcrimaging #fluorescencefriday #spotlight #user #withhcr
We're thrilled to announce our latest product, HCR™ RNA-CISH, is now available in the United States featuring industry-leading performance, native support for IHC co-detection, and full compatibility with all major automation platforms! Check out our new website to explore our family of automated HCR™ Products, and learn how you can incorporate HCR™ RNA-CISH into your workflow today:
#hcrimaging #cish #automation #withhcr