We say βforestβ but this word is made of the unknown, the unfamiliar, the unencompassed. The earth. Clods of dirt. Pebbles. On a clear day you rest among ordinary, everyday things that have been familiar to you since childhood, grass, bushes, a dog (or a cat), a chair, but that changes when you realize that every object is an enormous army, an inexhaustible swarm. --Witold Gombrowicz
#quote #WitoldGombrowicz
Hi friends! I just learned to spell "mastodon." Here are some things I follow: #writing #literature #LiteraryFiction #fiction #novel #author
#novelist #JamesBaldwin #beckett #barthelme #AliceWalker #GeorgeSaunders #BarbaraComyns #ItaloCalvino #AlfredJarry #GrahamGreene #FlannOBrien #EugeneIonesco #HermanMelville #WitoldGombrowicz #colette #HowardNorman Probably missing lot but you get the idea. Have a great π¦π¦π¦ day!
#Writing #literature #LiteraryFiction #fiction #novel #author #novelist #jamesbaldwin #beckett #barthelme #alicewalker #georgesaunders #barbaracomyns #italocalvino #alfredjarry #grahamgreene #flannobrien #eugeneionesco #HermanMelville #witoldgombrowicz #colette #howardnorman
Hi friends! I just learned to spell "mastodon." Here are some things I follow: #writing #literature #LiteraryFiction #fiction #novel #author
#novelist #JamesBaldwin #beckett #barthelme #AliceWalker #GeorgeSaunders #BarbaraComyns #ItaloCalvino #AlfredJarry #GrahamGreene #FlannOBrien #EugeneIonesco #HermanMelville #WitoldGombrowicz #colette #HowardNorman #alainrobbegrillet Probably missing a lot but you get the idea. Have a great π¦π¦π¦ day!
#Writing #literature #LiteraryFiction #fiction #novel #author #novelist #jamesbaldwin #beckett #barthelme #alicewalker #georgesaunders #barbaracomyns #italocalvino #alfredjarry #grahamgreene #flannobrien #eugeneionesco #HermanMelville #witoldgombrowicz #colette #howardnorman #alainrobbegrillet
I'm a #professor of #arthistory, #theory, and #criticism in Chicago. I'd like to use this platform to exchange ideas about #postmodern and #contemporary #experimental #fiction, especially #maximalist, including #Joyce, #robertmusil, #georgesperec, #witoldgombrowicz, #miklosszentkuthy, #arnoschmidt, #mariannefritz, #thomasbernhard, #fernandopessoa, #marcelproust, #ingeborgbachmann, #peterhandke, and delated #literarycriticism, #literarytheory, #literaryhistory, #publishing, #bookreviews
#professor #arthistory #theory #criticism #postmodern #contemporary #experimental #fiction #maximalist #joyce #RobertMusil #GeorgesPerec #witoldgombrowicz #miklosszentkuthy #arnoschmidt #mariannefritz #thomasbernhard #fernandopessoa #marcelproust #ingeborgbachmann #peterhandke #LiteraryCriticism #literarytheory #literaryhistory #publishing #bookreviews