Tonight:  with  (🇩🇪) Neumünsterator Heller Doppelbock & Laubbläser ("leaf blower") Hoppy Red Ale.

#weekendend #wittorfer #BeerNerd #schlueckglueckglueck

Last updated 2 years ago

 from (🇩🇪). They have a great range of beers so I will be posting more from them soon. What I like is that they are not so much "let's see what we can get away with" but trying to create modern interpretations of (mostly) traditional GE styles.

Tonight, I'm having their Stopptanz Tango & Galaxy IPA vs. D.H. Hinselmann Dunkles Arbeiterbier . This won a Golden European Beer Star (category "German-Style Kellerbier Dunkel") in 2019.

#wittorfer #neumuenster #BeerNerd #schlueckglueckglueck

Last updated 2 years ago