feel like shit, just want my amulet back
#RetroGaming #CRPG #Wizardry #DinoRetroGaming #ShitPost #DinoShitPost
#retrogaming #crpg #wizardry #dinoretrogaming #shitpost #dinoshitpost
feel like shit, just want my amulet back
#RetroGaming #CRPG #Wizardry #DinoRetroGaming #ShitPost #DinoShitPost
#retrogaming #crpg #wizardry #dinoretrogaming #shitpost #dinoshitpost
これもだけど、スマホ版はいつになったらリリースするんですかね?(´・ω・`) #Wizardry #ウィザードリィ
「Eternal Crypt -Wizardry BC-」の仕様をまとめたLitepaperが公開に。AMA(質問イベント)満載の「Wizardry BC Week」もスタート https://tinyurl.com/29g3gpmf
Hi, I'm Grauken. The name comes from a book from one of my favorite authors though I'm mostly here to find and follow people who are into #DRPGs #DRPG #DungeonCrawlers #DungeonCrawler #Blobber #Blobbers of the #Wizardry variety, though I like most #CRPG #CRPGS in general #introduction
#drpgs #drpg #dungeoncrawlers #dungeoncrawler #blobber #blobbers #wizardry #crpg #crpgs #introduction
That time you miss something 3 times but SOMEHOW you still decapitate it. #Wizardry #Wizardry_Empire
Time Extension: Why Do So Many Japanese RPGs Use European-Style Fantasy Worlds?
Time Extension has come up here a lot lately, hasn't it? It's because they so often do
#niche #retro #dragonquest #dungeonsanddragons #fantasy #garygygax #genericfantasyland #hiromasaiwasaki #johnszczepaniak #jrpg #niche #retro #ricamatsumura #rpg #tedwoolsey #timeextension #tropes #ultima #wizardry #ys #zelda
#niche #retro #dragonquest #dungeonsAndDragons #fantasy #garygygax #genericfantasyland #hiromasaiwasaki #johnszczepaniak #jrpg #ricamatsumura #rpg #tedwoolsey #timeextension #tropes #ultima #wizardry #ys #zelda
So many, for much that same reasons as you.
#AssassinsCreed Odyssey is a recent one—frankly too long for my attention span.
#Wizardry 7 is another much older example, which I was LPing but which got away from me.
Between that, I've got the #Gothic series, an unfinished #Skyrim playthrough, #FireEmblem Path of Radiance, The #LongestJourney...
But #TacticsOgre I've finally gotten back to, having put aside the PSP version and now playing it on PC! So that's fun.
#tacticsogre #longestjourney #fireemblem #skyrim #gothic #wizardry #assassinscreed
#Wizardry を題材としたブロックチェーンゲームのタイトル名が「Eternal Crypt -Wizardry BC-」に決定。ビジュアルや公式サイトも公開に https://tinyurl.com/2j2hth5p
Spaß mit alten Lokalisierungen. Man findet einen "Pik Schlüssel". Kann man sich gut vorstellen, der Kopf wie ein Pik. Rennt durch das Schloss und kommt an eine Tür, deren Beschreibung sagt "an der Tür hängt eine kleine Schaufel". Nun kommt die Übertragungsarbeit, dass Englisch sowohl Pik, als auch Schaufel/Spaten "Spade". Es geht dich nichts über konsistente Übersetzungen... 😅
#retrogaming #wizardry #crpg #gaming
Versuch gerade meine ersten XP und Lvl im Eingangsbereich von Wizardry 6 zu bekommen. Begegnungen sind sporadisch, aber gefährlich. Da kommt das alte Motto zurück: save early, save often.
Trying to get my first XP and Lvl in The entrance arra of Wizardry 6. Encounters are rare and Dangerous. The Return of The old Credo of "save early, save often".
#retrogaming #gaming #wizardry #rpg #goodoldgames #crpg #crpgs
#retrogaming #gaming #wizardry #rpg #goodoldgames #crpg #crpgs