New #WJDS article out: »Empty Transparency?« Martin-Pieter Jansen investigates if disclosure labels do inform #Facebook users sufficiently about microtargeting practices.
Read the paper here #openaccess:
Just published: new article #wjds, titled "Innovating Democracy". It concerns the case of #WirVsVirus, a civic hackathon organized in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic and officially endorsed by Germany’s federal government. Read the entire article:
Representations of historical figures on @Instagram seem to offer a tangible approach to history. But what is the educational potential of #socialmedia-based historical reenactments?
Read the new #WJDS paper by Lea Frentzel-Beyme, Merle Holtze, Jessica Szczuka, and Nicole Krämer (all University of Duisburg-Essen):
#socialmedia #wjds #history #education #digitalhumanities
How can we think more systematically about the drivers, dynamics, & challenges of digital capitalism?
In a new contribution to the Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society #WJDS, @timoseidl (@univienna) develops a conceptual framework to analyze the entanglements between #digitalization & #capitalism:
#wjds #digitalization #capitalism
Call for Papers: Special Issue "#Education in the Digital World" of the Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society #WJDS.
We invite contributions that study this topic with interdisciplinary and multi-perspective approaches.
Guest Editors: Irene-Angelica Chounta, Eva Gredel, German Neubaum, David Wiesche (all Universität Duisburg-Essen)
@freieuniversitaet @tuberlin @CAISnrw @FraunhoferFOKUS @humboldtuni @DigitaleEthik @unipotsdam
#education #wjds #cfp #openaccess
Call for Papers: Special Issue "#Education in the Digital Age" of the Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society #WJDS.
We invite contributions that study this topic with interdisciplinary and multi-perspective approaches.
Guest Editors: Irene-Angelica Chounta, Eva Gredel, German Neubaum, David Wiesche (all Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Russian information operations aim to influence public discussions & elections in Europe. New paper by Wolf Schünemann, Tim König, and Rolf Nijmeijer with a sociology of knowledge perspective on (dis)information campaigns in democracies in the Weizenbaum Journal for the Digital Society #WJDS:
#disinformation #knowledg #socialmedia
@WZB_Berlin @WZB_GlobalWork
#wjds #disinformation #knowledg #socialmedia
How to ground content moderation practices and policies in democratic legitimacy? Laura Fichtner (Universität Hamburg) analyzes the debate on the German #NetzDG act. New contribution to the Weizenbaum Journal for the Digital Society 2.2 (2022) #WJDS:
#netzdg #wjds #digital #Platform
Martin Kretschmer, Ula Furgal & Philip Schlesinger (all U of Glasgow) analyze the pragmatic incrementalism which characterizes the evolution of technological and regulatory standards for online platforms in the UK. Read their new paper in the Weizenbaum Journal for the Digital Society #WJDS 2.2 (2022):
Martin Kretschmer, Ula Furgal & Philip Schlesinger (all U of Glasgow) analyze the evolution of technical & regulatory standards for online platforms in the UK. Read their new paper in the Weizenbaum Journal for the Digital Society #WJDS 2.2 (2022):
"Coming into Force, not Coming into Effect?" Jasmin Brieske and Alexander Peukert (Goethe U Frankfurt) examine the effects of #copyright liability regulation in Germany. New paper in the Weizenbaum Journal for the Digital Society 2.1 (2022) #WJDS:
Is #EU platform regulation a manifestation of “Counter-Hegemonic Neoliberalism”? Read the new paper by Philipp Staab, Sandra Sieron & Dominik Piétron (HU Berlin) in the Weizenbaum Journal for the Digital Society #WJDS 2.1 (2022): @p_tron
Is EU platform regulation a manifestation of “Counter-Hegemonic Neoliberalism”? Read the new paper by Philipp Staab, Sandra Sieron & Dominik Piétron (HU Berlin) in the Weizenbaum Journal for the Digital Society #WJDS 2.1 (2022): @p_tron
In a #WJDS paper, our M. Krzywdzinski writes about automation in the workplace, the social processes shaping it, and the role of process and product materialities. Check the whole new issue with contributions from
@SidneyRothstein, P. Staab and others.
New issue out: Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society #WJDS 2.1 (2022) with interdisciplinary perspectives on the regulation of #digitalization processes. Topics include work in tech companies, European platform regulation, German copyright legislation, and more: