Tomorrow! In Goodreads terms, you should read this book if you like: Chicago, lesbian romances, firefighters/photographers/chefs, unconventional relationships, polyamorous relationships without contrived drama.
Paperbacks en route! I'll let people know when they arrive if you'd prefer a signed copy.
#wlwromance #polyamorous #lesbianfiction #lgbtfiction
#lgbtfiction #lesbianfiction #polyamorous #wlwromance
This book came out one year ago yesterday (2/22/22, naturally)! It was kind of an experiment for me, where instead of starting with a plot I started with a list of wlw fiction tropes - disguised as a man, journalist, road trip, etc - and decided to see how many of them I could work into a single story. I'm extremely pleased with how it turned out. Judging from the 4.8/5 rating on Amazon, it seems like readers agree. 😁
#wlwfiction #wlwromance
New polyamorous romance coming March 1! A happily-married firefighter and her photographer wife meet and fall for someone who makes them question just how monogamous they really are (spoiler: not very). Pre-order now!
#wlwromance #polyamorous #lesbianfiction #lgbtfiction
#lgbtfiction #lesbianfiction #polyamorous #wlwromance
According to the lovelies at the I Heart Sapphic Reading Challenge, it's Sci-Fi week.
So... here's a little sapphic sci-fi for you :)
#LesFic #SapphicFiction #wlwbooks #SapphicBooks #wlwRomance #SapphicMigration
#lesfic #sapphicfiction #wlwbooks #sapphicbooks #wlwromance #sapphicmigration