I left myself astonished when I realized, this morning, how much granular is #windowmaker (aka #wmaker); now besides opening some applications in specific workspace and with a specific size, they can also prepare me a... ☕
The past is more futuristic than the future itself... :flan_shout:
#windowmaker #wmaker #linuxdesktop #openbsd #armbian
I became addicted to #WindowMaker (aka #WMaker) it is amazing, you realize that something is amazing when you don't need any default setup to use it (like #Xfce4). I do not have enough words: it is sexy; slick; snappy; light; highly customizable; fast; intuitive; original; powerful.
The only issue is it doesn't speack GTK3 and perhaps QT5, the integration with the former is more painful than a kick on the jewels. We would need some genius that modernize it a little bit more to speak gtk3!
Despite #Ubuntu the #odroidxu4 worked surprisingly well... Yes of course Ubuntu has been annihilated and resembles more #Debian. The secret ingredient is the venerable #WindowMaker or #WMaker, it has some limitations though for instance I replaced #Thunderbird with #ClawsMail. :flan_strong:
Unfortunately the initial idea to use #NetBSD as daily driver shipwrecked in the oblivium. The partial support wasn't enough to squeeze out all the horsepower available... :flan_sad:
#ubuntu #odroidxu4 #debian #windowmaker #wmaker #thunderbird #clawsmail #netbsd