#JonLeidecker (aka #Wobbly) is a human in the loop, making music with people and machines that listen. He will give a lecture (perhaps on the secret histories of electronic music?) Thursday, September 21st in the Jeannik Méquet Littlefield Concert Hall at #MillsCollege (5000 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland). https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jon-leidecker-lecture-tickets-696314935717
#jonleidecker #wobbly #MillsCollege
#IWW #Labor #Wobbly #WorkersRights
From #BeauOfTheFifthColumn on #YouTube: new #NLRB guidance on automatic #union recognition in instances of #UnionBusting.
#IWW #Labor #wobbly #workersrights #BeauOfTheFifthColumn #youtube #nlrb #union #unionbusting
Left-wing rag giving aid and comfort to our enemies?
@Forbes outs #GOP decapitating #US #ArmedForces
This #ChristianPacifist #Wobbly doesn't know whether to laugh or cry
F #Tuberville anyway
#gop #us #armedforces #christianpacifist #wobbly #tuberville
As debates over "Generative AI" (which neither "generative," nor "artificial," etc, etc) rage, it's worth revisiting how earlier debates about automation, creativity and appropriation played out.
This week in #ClotMagazine, #EstelaOliva interviews electronic music pioneers #JenniferWalshe and Jon "#Wobbly" Leidecker (#Negativland):
#clotmagazine #estelaoliva #jenniferwalshe #wobbly #negativland
During a week when I threw a #Wobbly at #work this series of #buddhist talks by #jamesLow has helped
Constellations of Thought - from the Waking Up app. Click on the link to listen now.
#wobbly #work #buddhist #jameslow
@LogarHailCrom of *Wobblies & Wizards* is setting up "a little cooperative print shop that is worker owned worker self managed. This fund raiser is to raise money to purchase the means of production."
i can only assume they'll be doing some cool #TTRPG and #Wobbly related zines!
The #crooked #wobbly #wharf / #dock - leading out to an #abandoned building that nature is slowly reclaiming. Super windy day & #ocean #waters were choppy.
#AlertBay #CormorantIsland #BCCoast #BCNorthIslands #BritishColumbia #Canada #PNW #PacificNorthwest #monochrome #BlackAndWhite #WorldInMyEyes #MyPerspective #CoastalBC #SmallTown #decaying #CellphonePhotos #MyPerspective #Marine #NamgisTerritory #Westcoast
#crooked #wobbly #wharf #dock #abandoned #ocean #waters #alertbay #cormorantisland #bccoast #bcnorthislands #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #pacificnorthwest #monochrome #blackandwhite #worldinmyeyes #myperspective #coastalbc #smalltown #decaying #cellphonephotos #marine #namgisterritory #westcoast
Well I've just unpacked and put away my Morrisons delivery and now I'm feeling rather dizzy and wobbly so I'm gonna go and have a lie down....
#bloodpressure #issues #dizzy #wobbly
It has been confirmed that Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, the #ForestDefender who was murdered by police, was a member of the Industrial Workers of the World. #Wobblies, get out there and fight like hell. An injury to one is an injury to all, especially the fatal.
Please consider contributing to the #GoFundMe set up for Teran's family and funeral expenses.
#IWW #Wobbly #Tortuguita #DefendTheAtlantaForest #StopCopCity #ACAB #JusticeForTort
#gofundme #acab #justicefortort #StopCopCity #defendtheAtlantaForest #forestdefender #tortuguita #wobbly #iww #wobblies
Jennifer Walshe (comp)
M.C. Schmidt (#Matmos, electronics)
Drew Daniel (#Matmos electronics)
Jon Leidecker (AKA #Wobbly of #Negativland, electronics)
…perform „Inevitable Tuxedo Princess“ at Monheim Triennale Festival 2022/06/25
I want to reconnect with my #EhlersDanlosSyndrome community. So, let's start with a chat.
What's the most original way you have managed to injure yourself?
#EhlersDanlos #EDS #hyperlaxité #Hypermobility #Hypermobilität #hiperlaxitud #EDSChat #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #POTs #MCAS #ChronicFatigue #HMS #EDSLife #EDS #Disability #NEISVoid #DisabledResilience #EhlersDanlosLife #エーラースダンロス症候群 #VEDS #תסמונותאהלרסדנלוס #flexibilidad #Bendy #Wobbly #flexibility #ConnectiveTissueDisorder #MarfansSyndrome
Also welcome to comment are Marfans Syndrome, Hypermobility Syndrome, or any other connective tissue disorder people.
#ehlersdanlossyndrome #ehlersdanlos #eds #hyperlaxite #hypermobility #hypermobilitat #hiperlaxitud #edschat #chronicpain #chronicillness #pots #mcas #chronicfatigue #HMS #edslife #disability #neisvoid #disabledresilience #ehlersdanloslife #エーラースダンロス症候群 #veds #תסמונותאהלרסדנלוס #flexibilidad #bendy #wobbly #flexibility #connectivetissuedisorder #marfanssyndrome
Today we remember legendary union organiser, songwriter & folk hero Joe Hill, who was executed in Utah 107 years ago today.
#canlab #1u #JoeHill #JoeHill107 #JoeHillRIP #IWW #wobbly #Union #UnionStrong #Wobblies #UnionMember
#canlab #1u #joehill #joehill107 #joehillrip #iww #wobbly #union #unionstrong #wobblies #unionmember
Le principali sigle sindacali hanno lanciato l’appello, il 75% degli insegnanti delle elementari e il 62% di quelle delle medie/superiori ha aderito alla protesta. Leggi l'articolo -> https://buff.ly/3FsdQTD
#france #education #workers #wobbly #strikw #iww #iwwitalia
#france #education #workers #wobbly #strikw #iww #iwwitalia
wobbly cells...
wobbly cells...
wobbly cells...