It's Friday, it's @vauxbrewery with @WobblyDuck Fits the Bill DDH Pale at the Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
This may be the first of many..
Please try to support your local independent brewery
#fitsthebill #wobblyduck #vauxbrewery #realale #craftale
Verdant Brew Co Head Band Pale at the Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#wobblyduck #verdantbrewco #realale #craftale
Time & Tide Brew Co Fridge King IPA at the Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#wobblyduck #timeandtide #realale #craftale
Polly's Brew Co 'Past Futures' Pale at the Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#wobblyduck #pollysbrewco #realale #craftale
Vaux Brewery/The Wobbly Duck 'Fits the Bill' DDH Pale at the Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#wobblyduck #vauxbrewery #realale #craftale
Wild Weather Brewery 'King Street IPA at The Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#wobblyduck #kingstreetipa #wildweatherbrewery #realale
S43 Brewerry & Wobbly Duck 'Duck Duck Juice' unfined IPA at The Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#wobblyduck #duckduckjuiceipa #s43brewery #realale
Sureshot Brewerry Lamp or not a Lamp unfined IPA at The Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#wobblyduck #lampornotalampipa #sureshotbrewery #realale
Polly's Under the Sound unfined IPA at The Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#wobblyduck #underthesoundipa #pollysbrewery #realale