【MTGA】勇気の徳目でバーンをチェイン❗️炎心の決闘者でライフゲインできる安心感❗️ボロス勇気の徳目バーン【エルドレインの森】 https://youtu.be/0fV_L4dwza8?si=w1MvktVjnXPFAZN6
#伝承師クイントリウス #レジスタンスの火コス #くすぶる卵 #紅蓮鎚イモデーン #炎心の決闘者 #勇気の徳目 #woe #wildsofeldraine
【MTGA】アトラクサコピー❗️アトラクサリアニ❗️徳目クリーチャー化❗️5C版図徳目ズアー【エルドレインの森】 https://youtu.be/qbJ7QAeOlTs?si=708arvz_n9YatCf9
#偉大なる統一者アトラクサ #永遠の策謀家ズアー #忠義の徳目 #知識の徳目 #執念の徳目 #woe #wildsofeldraine
【MTG】恐るべし騎士の正体❗️死なない騎士の秘密とは❓苔森の戦慄騎士をカードレビュー❗️【エルドレインの森】 https://youtu.be/7OJloWS82-8?si=nvh2rdhP-rHO3fLZ
#カードレビュー #解説 #フレーバー #グリーンナイト #緑の騎士 #ガウェイン卿 #苔森の戦慄騎士 #woe #wildsofeldraine #エルドレインの森 #mtg
I'm drafting Wilds of Eldraine, live now at https://twitch.tv/mad_moses
Come hang out!
#mtg #arena #eldraine #woe #draft #limited #magicthegathering
#mtg #arena #eldraine #woe #draft #limited #magicthegathering
I'm drafting Wilds of Eldraine, live now at https://twitch.tv/mad_moses
Come hang out!
#mtg #arena #eldraine #woe #draft #limited #magicthegathering
#mtg #arena #eldraine #woe #draft #limited #magicthegathering
Loved the #WOE prerelease. Saw a lot of synergy based builds and lots of interaction. Adventures seem good at smoothing out curves and providing lategame. Got a 3-0 with a ridiculous build that played 6 rares.
#woe #magicthegathering #wildsofeldraine #mtg
🏆1st place (4:0) at the Wilds of Eldraine prerelease sealed tournament! After losing in the finals yesterday, I got there today with this sweet BR deck.
#mtg #woe #prerelease #sealed #magicthegathering
#mtg #woe #prerelease #sealed #magicthegathering
3rd place (4:1) with WB at the first Wilds of Eldraine prerelease sealed tournament of the weekend.
#mtg #woe #sealed #prerelease #limited #magicthegathering
A quotation from Byron, George Gordon, Lord:
By those, that deepest feel, are ill exprest
The indistinctness of the suffering breast;
Where thousand thoughts begin to end in one,
Which seeks from all the refuge found in none;
No words suffice the secret soul to show.
And Truth denies all eloquence to Woe.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #confusion #expression #grief #sorrow #woe
#quote #quotes #quotation #confusion #expression #grief #sorrow #woe
【MTGA】何がジンジャー卿を変えてしまったのか❓そのワケをお話しします❗️カード性能レビューもあるよ【エルドレインの森】 https://youtu.be/pyhVQpVTkjY
#解説 #ストーリー #フレーバー #syrginger #ジンジャー卿 #woe #wildsofeldraine #エルドレインの森
My choice for @HailsandAles's #BlackMetalMonday for today was the album The Sixth Extinction by #Sael from France. But I could not find it on any streaming service 😲 If you find it, check it out.
Meanwhile, listen to this great album by Woe from Queens, New York 🔥
Listen to the album Hope Attrition on bandcamp here:
At least there is information about Sael on metal-archives.com:
#blackmetalmonday #sael #music #metal #blackmetal #woe
Talion, King of the Fae.
I think it’s a tribute to Oberon, king of the fairies in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.
By the way, the character of the same work, Trickster Puck, has already appeared in Eldraine.
#talion #woe #wildsofeldraine #eldraine #mtg
I guess we are just #fucked.
#Weather #ClimateChange #Data #Statistics #Graphs #Science #GlobalWarming #Doom #Woe #Despondency #OhWell
#ohwell #despondency #woe #Doom #GlobalWarming #Science #graphs #statistics #Data #ClimateChange #Weather #fucked
My guests cancelled! I vacuumed for nothing! (Heh). What will I do with all this delicious ginger crunch?! #Woe
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SeekAndDestroy
🎵 A Violent Dread
#nowplaying #SeekAndDestroy #woe
WOE Is Recording Their First Album In Six Years #2023_03_06 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #in_the_studio #woe
#2023_03_06 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #in_the_studio #woe
that feel when you want to tweak a layout header image just slightly ...and ONLY THEN do you discover that Photoshop didn't save it, so it's back to the start you go 😭 #staticdesign #webdesign #WOE