Argots, Cants, Anti-languages
#WokeUpMonday reading a bunch of stupid news headlines, flared up my #WokeMindVirus. Really feeling it in my knees.
I often see a lot of comments on different topics of "Well, I do/use X because it's easier and does what I need" and, look, I get that. I understand that, there are things you just need to get done when they need to be done.
Had this conversation multiple times with friends regarding data/privacy issues especially around abortion
#WokeUpMonday with notes on this #WokeMindVirus
Doing some reading and recently gained a perspective that some people aspire to power to be capable of realising things into the world without friction or delay. We generally have desires to build something meaningful, and to do it without needless obstacles. Even if the intent is well-meaning, quests for power often seem to separate people from communities and cause pain. I think finding power IN community and giving back to it is more rewarding
#WokeUpMonday remember when I caught the #WokeMindVirus
Was talking with my friend(therapist) this weekend about a patient that list her husband late last year and despite how much pain she feels for losing her family, she cut off communication with her daughter who recently came out to her.
She claimed religious reasons while being someone that had multiple children before getting married. Pretty sure her beliefs instruct to love everyone but I wonder, is that just an excuse.
#WokeUpMonday really feeling this #WokeMindVirus
Everybody's the same color when the lights are off
I'm pretty sure everybody's a little bit queer tooπ
Stop all that hate, Go love somebody.
Seems like a waste of time giving someone you hate all that energy. Do they deserve it? Instead, go find somebody to get tangled up with, in a good way
#WokeUpMonday getting a natural dose of that #WokeMindVirus
Nature doesn't give a fuck about tour little made up human laws and rules and social norms. Nature is ungovernable. If it wants to be gay, you can't do shit about it
Listen and learn
And share
#wokeupmonday #wokemindvirus #lgbtqia #pridemonth
#WokeUpMonday with the #WokeMindVirus and it's Memorial Day
If you got the day off, enjoy that shit
#WokeUpMonday still surviving this #WokeMindVirus. I think I got it from a vaccine or something
It's my own belief that aspirations for power come from fear and insecurity. They are unwilling to put faith in others but also have some level of awareness that they offer nothing else of value, especially nothing of interpersonal value. So establishing and maintaining systems of power are their highest priority. A #WokeMindViking sees power in their community. All power to all the people
#wokeupmonday #wokemindvirus #wokemindviking
#WokeUpMonday ready to spread my
The system is efficient, oppressive, exploitative. It's clever and refined and infectious.
It's fucking dangerous.
But it's biggest weakness is it needs you. You power the system. It doesn't work without you. It doesn't spread or persist without you.
The system should respect you.
The system wants you to believe that you aren't a part of it. But you are the system.
Get out your wrenches and gum and fuck up the gears.
#WokeUpMonday feeling like patient-0. All yall gonna get this #WokeMindVirus
We gotta recognize the choice between what's easier and what's better. Some enterprising asshole is ready to sell you 'easy', tell you how convenient and simple it is. Get comfortable with it, dependent on it. Can't function without it. Should choose 'better'. Sometimes 'better' needs everybody to do a little more work. If you don't do the work yourself, they'll will sell you something worse. But it's easy
#WokeUpMonday and pretty sure i got the #WokeMindVirus
Seems pretty ridiculous to say you own the air or the sky. Pretty dumb to say you own the sea. I feel it's pretty wild to say a person can own land. Fuck landlords.
If any one should lay claim on land, out should be the original protectors, not a bunch of capitalists looking for profit
#WokeUpMonday and I think I got the #WokeMindVirus
Right wingers don't engage in arguments with an intent to be right or factual, they want to distract, demonize and generate hype and controversy. There's no good faith arguments. They don't care about logic or facts or evidence. Don't engage with an effort to destroy their argument. Be 2 steps ahead. Destroy their ability to gain an audience, to be taken seriously. And put the audience's attention on the real harms they are ignoring
#WokeUpMonday with a case of the #WokeMindVirus
Bigotry and Capitalism are teammates. Same game. Capitalism needs to devalue labor to produce profit and Bigotry serves of the targets. Real easy to pick where to divide the workforce against itself, to choose who to exploit the worst. Being a greedy capitalism bigot is REAL easy. All the ways that help produce low wage labor
Our shitty immigration system
Sub-minimum wage tipped labor
Under paying disabled workers
Child labor
#WokeUpMonday and got a case of the #WokeMindVirus
Republicans don't give a fuck about your kids. But you do, and if the schools get so dangerous that you no longer send your kids, that's great for them, they don't want public schools anyway. They'd love you to be strung out trying to figure out day care and working more hours to pay for it. They'd love your kids to have poor education so they get funneled right into the prison industrial complex or low wage jobs, or die.
They like guns though
#WokeUpMonday. I think I got the #WokeMindVirus.
Systems of power are also tools of oppression. Those that seek power also seek to reinforce oppression. Power can't exist without taking power from others. And that power will be used to oppress.
Capitalism is a system of power. Money is its tool
#WokeUpMonday and I think I got the #WokeMindVirus
Anything that divides is useful, power in numbers has always been true, so when you don't have the numbers, you divide the opposition. Race, Gender, Language, Faith, Class, etc, all borders meant for division along those lines.
Keeping those lines clear is paramount to maintaining power. Anything that obscures those borders is a threat. Can't have all you folx mixing together, seeing each other's humanity. You might fuck around and Unite!
#WokeUpMonday and I think I got a case of #WokeMindVirus
All words are made up
Money is made up
Laws are all made up
Borders and all made up
It's all just made up bullshit
They're all barriers
They're all made up by a bunch of OLD, CRUSTY, SELFISH COWARDs
They're only valuable to people that want everything to be nice and tiddy and controlled
But it's all just made up so if someone wants to force them on you, is it functional, moral or just bullshit
Gender is a made-up word
Race is made up
#WokeUpMonday and I think I got the #WokeMindVirus
Stealing food is not a crime. Charging money for food and creating artificial food scarcity is
π€£ #WokeUpMonday and thought, "What if everybody used Mondays to posting about intersectional triumph, love and kindness and the failings of capitalism and xenophobic hate to show what #WokeMindVirus means..."