@fulelo What’s next in new #FloriduhEducationStandards ? Here’s one possibility ⬇️, boost and comment with others!
#RisingSeaLevel displacing Floridians is NOT caused by #GlobalWarming and #ClimateChange , but by an increase in #LiberalTears. To stop coastal erosion and flooding, the #WokeVirus must be eradicated so male Liberals can ‘grow a pair’ and female Liberals can ‘suck it up’!
#floriduheducationstandards #risingsealevel #globalwarming #climatechange #liberaltears #wokevirus
The genius #Musk will soon announce “Otto Motors“ the new car brand for real men driving real cars with combustion engines! Best remedy for the #wokevirus 🚗🙃
Okay, so deleted the Fascist Bird account. Who is good to follow here? I like #politics, #movies, and I have the #wokevirus and believe the vaccine for that is very dangerous.