So, dank einer kostenlosen Testphase für 1 Monat von GamePass Ultimate, konnte ich per #xcloud #Starfield mal ausprobieren.
Ich bin ja eigentlich ein #bethesda Fan, aber Starfield ist gar nicht mein Ding. Wie viel Langeweile kann man in ein Spiel packen?
Schade. Da hätten sie mal lieber an #Wolfenstein 3 arbeiten sollen. Ich hoffe das kommt bald. Und dann hoffentlich bei #geforcenow
#cloudgaming rules!
#xcloud #starfield #bethesda #wolfenstein #geforcenow #cloudgaming
someone on fedi was tooting they couldn't beat the end boss of Wolfenstein and then criticizing the game for its end bosses?
okay buddy now every videogame boss on Fediverse knows you can't shoot
BJ #Blazkowicz from the #Wolfenstein series is an #antifascist!
#blazkowicz #wolfenstein #antifascist
i think this falls in the category #boomershooter. Mastodon has no shortage of #gamedev types (disclaimer: I am not one of them), and #wolfenstein is #opensource
Nothing technically keeps this from happening.
#boomershooter #gamedev #wolfenstein #opensource
There is exactly ONE good video game protagonist and it is B.J. Blazkowicz. He is driven by pure hatred of Nazis and a good heart. :antifa_100:
#wolfenstein #software #game #games #gaming #videogames #classwar #art #antifa #antiauthority #antinazi #killyourlocalfascist
#wolfenstein #software #game #games #gaming #videogames #classwar #Art #antifa #antiauthority #antinazi #killyourlocalfascist
Recordaros que estos juegos siguen #gratis en #Steam.
Si os gustan los clásicos de #TheElderScrolls y #Wolfenstein, no podéis dejar pasar la oportunidad de conseguir estos tres juegos. En el siguiente post tenéis los enlaces para descargarlos.
#gratis #steam #theelderscrolls #wolfenstein
And Kon is still at it! Whoah...
#DarkShadowMDArt #DarkShadow777Art #noncon #nudity #bondage #bigtits #wolfenstein #kon
Da ich heute wohl keine #Nazis sich gegenseitig verkloppen sehe, verkloppe ich jetzt halt selbst ein paar Nazi.... äh ich meine das Regime.
#Wolfenstein #Wolfenstein2 #WolfensteinII #Wagner #WagnerCoup #Russland #Russia #RussianCoup #RussianCivilWar #Lukashenko #Lukaschenko #Putin #Prigozhin
#prigozhin #putin #lukaschenko #lukashenko #RussianCivilWar #russiancoup #russia #russland #wagnercoup #wagner #wolfensteinii #wolfenstein2 #wolfenstein #nazis
Brontosauri, ma quando i dinosauri dominavano il mondo, giocavate con Doom?
Doom (scritto #DOOM in caratteri maiuscoli sulla documentazione ufficiale) è un videogioco creato da id #Software e pubblicato nel 1993 per #PC, e successivamente per diverse console. Insieme a #Wolfenstein 3D, è ritenuto uno degli esempi più influenti del genere #sparatutto in prima persona (o FPS - First person shooter).
#redhotcyber #cybersecurity #technology #jurassicware #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#doom #software #pc #wolfenstein #sparatutto #redhotcyber #cybersecurity #technology #jurassicware #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
Might be naughty and buy the rest of the #wolfenstein series of #games today.
#software #antinazi #GoodNightWhitePride #antiauthority #gifs #quotes #antifascist #antinationalism
#wolfenstein #games #software #antinazi #GoodNightWhitePride #antiauthority #gifs #quotes #antifascist #antinationalism
Anya Oliwa #Wolfenstein is one of the characters of all time. She's a #Nazi #hunting serial killer. She was a PhD student when she was 16. She goes into battle 9 months pregnant. She gets horny from #killing #Nazis. She killed a giant robot dog by dual wielding assault rifles topless. She's the Statue of Liberty. She fucks B.J. Blazkowicz. She's the kindest woman you'll ever meet. She's Polish. Absolute character. :antifa_100: :heart_cyber:
#wolfenstein #nazi #hunting #killing #nazis
#wolfenstein new order is a good example of decent made fps. Final boss kicked me ass.
Viewer Discretion Advised.
Prequel Expansion pack fot Wolfenstein 3D. Ancient FPS to kill many World War 2 enemies. Specifically you know what. A lot of mazes to contend with.
This and the original used to be banned in Germany for obvious reasons.
I used wolfdosmpu for this . Updated bugfixes including level stats counters. Found here:
The fight against true evil never really ends...
#Gaming #AAAGaming #Wolfenstein
Das Internet ist mal wieder am Spekulieren😅
Der Wolfenstein Entwickler sucht zur Zeit Devs mit Erfahrung in First Person-Spielen, Titeln des Studios und vierbeinigen Kreaturen.
Theoretisch könnten die Devs auch für das Indy Spiel gesucht werden, aber Wolfenstein würde auch Sinn machen.
Schließlich gibt es dort vierbeinige Panzerhunde.
Daher wird spekuliert, dass die Devs an Wolfenstein 3 arbeiten sollen.
#wolfenstein #AAAGaming #gaming
#Wolfenstein 3D released on PC 31 years ago :antifa_100:
#game #gaming #games #antinazi #GoodNightWhitePride #antinationalism #antiauthority #computer #videogames #anticapitalism
#wolfenstein #game #gaming #games #antinazi #GoodNightWhitePride #antinationalism #antiauthority #computer #videogames #anticapitalism
Achtung! How #Wolfenstein 3D Shocked the World, 30 Years Later
Achtung! How #Wolfenstein 3D Shocked the World, 30 Years Later