A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
⭐ Clint Eastwood, Marianne Koch, Gian Maria Volonté, Wolfgang Lukschy, Sieghardt Rupp, Joseph Egger
🎥 Sergio Leone
🌍 Cortijo El Sotillo, Almería, Spain 🇪🇸
#AFistfulofDollars #SergioLeone #ClintEastwood #MarianneKoch #GianMariaVolonte #WolfgangLukschy #SieghardtRupp #JosephEgger #CortijoElSotillo #Almeria #Spain
#afistfulofdollars #sergioleone #clinteastwood #mariannekoch #gianmariavolonte #wolfganglukschy #sieghardtrupp #josephegger #cortijoelsotillo #almeria #spain
66 years ago:
The Affairs of Julie (DE)
Original title: Die Zürcher Verlobung
Juliane Thomas is an ambitious but unemployed young writer. After breaking up with her lover she works at a dentist friend to make ends meet. One day she instantly falls in love with one of the patients (Jean Berner) and promptly writes a movie script about the encounter in which she projects her ow...
#TheAffairsofJulie #BernhardWicki #WolfgangLukschy #MariaSebaldt
#theaffairsofjulie #BernhardWicki #wolfganglukschy #mariasebaldt
A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
⭐ Clint Eastwood, Marianne Koch, Gian Maria Volonté, Wolfgang Lukschy, Sieghardt Rupp, Joseph Egger
🎥 Sergio Leone
🌍 Calle Clint Eastwood, Albaricoques, Spain 🇪🇸
#AFistfulofDollars #SergioLeone #ClintEastwood #MarianneKoch #GianMariaVolonte #WolfgangLukschy #SieghardtRupp #JosephEgger #CalleClintEastwood #Albaricoques #Spain
#afistfulofdollars #sergioleone #clinteastwood #mariannekoch #gianmariavolonte #wolfganglukschy #sieghardtrupp #josephegger #calleclinteastwood #albaricoques #spain