I don't particularly like Stephen #Wolfram as a physicist (understatement), but all his intelligence is not enough to let him perceive himself like an idiot in a setup like this.
Happy Birthday!
Nein, wir haben natürlich nicht den heutigen Geburtstag von Hannes und Wolfram vergessen 😊
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Hannes und Wolfram 🎂🍻…
#JBOFans #2023 #geburtstage #hannes #wolfram
#jbofans #geburtstage #hannes #wolfram
Ob der Wolfram Weihrauch so als Pfarrer der Andrea (ver-)Zeihen kann, wenn sie die Termine hin und wieder vergisst…das weiß niemand nicht niemals.
#jemseitsvomtrenngitter #kapelle #wolfram #fiction
What's best free - free as in free speech - alternative to Wolfram Mathematica.
#mathematica #wolfram #maths #foss #libre_software #free_software
#free_software #libre_software #foss #maths #wolfram #mathematica
#ChatGPT Gets Its “#Wolfram Superpowers”!—Stephen Wolfram Writings #facts #AI
Wolfram Alpha With ChatGPT Looks Like a Killer Combo - Have ever looked at Wolfram Alpha and the development of Wolfram Language and thou... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/17/wolfram-alpha-with-chatgpt-looks-like-a-killer-combo/ #artificialintelligence #stephenwolfram #wolframalpha #chatgpt #plugins #wolfram #openai
#openai #wolfram #plugins #chatgpt #wolframalpha #stephenwolfram #artificialintelligence
Wolfram Alpha With ChatGPT Looks Like a Killer Combo https://hackaday.com/2023/04/17/wolfram-alpha-with-chatgpt-looks-like-a-killer-combo/ #ArtificialIntelligence #StephenWolfram #wolframalpha #ChatGPT #plugins #Wolfram #openai
#ArtificialIntelligence #stephenwolfram #wolframalpha #chatgpt #plugins #wolfram #openai
Ok, I’m always a little guarded about accepting Stephen #Wolfram at face value—while brilliant, he has whatever the exact opposite of crippling imposter syndrome is. That said, I’ve heard of worse ideas than connecting #ChatGPT to #WolframAlpha https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/03/chatgpt-gets-its-wolfram-superpowers/
#wolframalpha #chatgpt #wolfram
Is it now possible to create interesting visualizations like the #Mandelbrot set without writing a single line of code (#nocode). Here is an neat example of how #Wolfram does it with the help of #ChatGPT :
#chatgpt #wolfram #nocode #mandelbrot
@ecosdelfuturo Estoy de acuerdo en que la unión #ChatGPT + #Wolfram produce una calculadora formidable. Pero por muy potente que sea, yo no la calificaría de inteligente si no sabe resolver problemas matemáticos básicos basados en el razonamiento.
Por ejemplo, acabo de preguntarle: "Si 10 personas tardan 5 minutos comer 10 bocadillos, ¿cuánto tardan 20 personas en comer 20 bocadillos?" Y su respuesta es: "Esta es una pregunta de proporción. Podemos utilizar una regla de tres simple para resolverla". ¡Error!
Y aunque en las (muchas) líneas de texto en que desarrolla lo anterior comienza por una afirmación correcta ("Sabemos que 10 personas pueden comer 10 bocadillos en 5 minutos, lo que significa que una persona puede comer un bocadillo en 5 minutos.") no es capaz de finalizar el razonamiento (entonces 20 personas pueden comer 20 bocadillos en 5 minutos), sino que aplica un razonamiento erróneo de tipo proporcional para concluir "Así que las 20 personas tardarán 1,25 minutos en comer 20 bocadillos."
Esto ya ha sido publicado, por ejemplo en https://ai.stackexchange.com/questions/38220/why-is-chatgpt-bad-at-math
Can't wait for getting access to the #Wolfram Alpha plugin for #GPT4 and #chatGPT. In the video below GPT is using Wolfram for chemistry problems. I think this will solve the arithmetic issues of GPT and make it even more powerful. I can't believe how quickly this is all happening.
#chemistry #chemiverse #chatgpt #GPT4 #wolfram
ChatGPT can now access the internet with new OpenAI plugins - OpenAI said it is initially rolling out the plugins to a small se... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/chatgpt-can-now-access-the-internet-with-new-openai-plugins #mitchellhashimoto #expediaandkayak #internetbrowser #experiment #instacart #chatgpt #shopify #wolfram #openai #plugin #klarna #trial #bing #api
#api #bing #trial #klarna #plugin #openai #wolfram #shopify #chatgpt #instacart #experiment #internetbrowser #expediaandkayak #mitchellhashimoto
eicker.news #technews »#ChatGPT #plugins: The first plugins have been created by #Expedia, #FiscalNote, #Instacart, #KAYAK, #Klarna, #Milo, #OpenTable, #Shopify, #Slack, #Speak, #Wolfram, and #Zapier.« https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plugins
#technews #chatgpt #plugins #expedia #fiscalnote #instacart #kayak #Klarna #milo #opentable #Shopify #Slack #speak #wolfram #zapier
ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha
This is probably the best thing OpenAI could have done to make sure ChatGPT had access to a treasure trove of curated scientific data. (...)
#ChatGPT Gets Its #Wolfram Superpowers
#openai #llm #wolframalpha #WolframLanguage #ai #wolfram #chatgpt