Intro with hashtags: I am a #psychiatrist & #epidemiologist. My research includes #neurodevelopment, #genetics, #epidemiology, & #longitudinalcourse of #ADHD, #Autism, #ASD, #ticDisorders, #TouretteSyndrome, #WolframSyndome, & #schizophrenia. Along with Dr. Eric Lenze, I ran the #StopCOVID #RCTs, which tested #fluvoxamine vs placebo for treatment of outpatients with early #COVID-19. We are also planning a trial of fluvoxamine for #longCOVID (protocol currently under review by IRB)...
#psychiatrist #epidemiologist #neurodevelopment #genetics #epidemiology #longitudinalcourse #adhd #autism #asd #ticdisorders #tourettesyndrome #wolframsyndome #schizophrenia #StopCovid #RCTs #Fluvoxamine #COVID #LongCovid
Intro with hashtags: I am a #psychiatrist & #epidemiologist. My research includes #neurodevelopment, #genetics, #epidemiology, & #longitudinalcourse of #ADHD, #Autism, #ASD, #ticDisorders, #TouretteSyndrome, #WolframSyndome, & #schizophrenia. Along with Dr. Eric Lenze, I ran the #StopCOVID #RCTs, which tested #fluvoxamine vs placebo for treatment of outpatients with early #COVID-19. We are also planning a trial of fluvoxamine for #longCOVID (protocol currently under review by IRB)...
#LongCovid #COVID #Fluvoxamine #RCTs #StopCovid #schizophrenia #wolframsyndome #tourettesyndrome #ticdisorders #asd #Autism #adhd #longitudinalcourse #epidemiology #genetics #neurodevelopment #epidemiologist #psychiatrist