Carlos Santana - Divine Light
Reconstruction & Mix Translation by Bill Laswell
2001/02.2023 Music On Vinyl MOVLP3140
numbered gatefold 2x12" yellow, red & black marbled vinyl + insert
"For this album, Laswell went for the two albums that were an explicit acknowledgement of Santana's love of John Coltrane, Illuminations (1974) and Love Devotion Surrender (1973)."
#Santana #BillLaswell #DivineLight #AliceColtrane #JohnMcLaughlin
#wolfsmixedbag #santana #billlaswell #divinelight #alicecoltrane #johnmclaughlin
#sundaymusic with Hubert Laws
The Rite of Spring (1971) 💿
yes that one, plus some more classical adaptions
In The Beginning (1974) 💿
#CTIRecords #HubertLaws #Stravinsky #Debussy #Faure #JSBach #CreedTaylor #RudyVanGelder
#jazz #JazzCD #JazzFlute @jazz
#sundaymusic #wolfsmixedbag #ctirecords #hubertlaws #stravinsky #debussy #faure #jsbach #creedtaylor #rudyvangelder #jazz #jazzcd #jazzflute
on now: Blue Mitchell - Blue's Blues featuring John Mayall (1990 Mainstream Records MDCD710) 💿
"Compiled from original releases in 1972 and 1974 with new liner notes by Leonard Feather"
#jazz #jazzcd #blues #groovy @jazz
#wolfsmixedbag #BlueMitchell #johnmayall #joesample #johnguerin #darrellclayborn #hermanriley #raypounds #freddierobinson #jazz #jazzcd #blues #groovy
noticed my few sets for #TelepathicBubblebath radio 2015 were still set to private..
transmission one:
01 intro
02 #TopdownDialectic: Topdown Dialectic 01
03 #Mokira: Time Track
04 eleven8: Just Passing Through
05 3-33: White Room Side A
06 #Hecq: Mare Nostrum II
07 Untitled - Untitled 11 Track 04
08 #Touch: 30 Years And Counting Side 3
09 Invisible Path - Still Grey Apparitions Where the Precipice Meets the Sunbeams
10 Internazionale - Admiration A
#telepathicbubblebath #topdowndialectic #mokira #hecq #touch #wolfsmixedbag
more japan cd stuff.
along that ongoing retail price explosion for vinyl records these import cds have sneaked onto the "reasonable & affordable" lists.
also, taming the addiction for more is hard.
#cd #JapanCD #ObiStrip #Japan #NotVinyl #jazz #JazzCD @jazz
#tyronewashington #larryyoung #andrewhill #LouDonaldson #billevans #wolfsmixedbag #cd #japancd #obistrip #japan #notvinyl #jazz #jazzcd
on now:
Marco Pacassoni Group - Frank & Ruth:
A Vibes and Marimba Tribute to the Music of Frank Zappa
2018 Esordisco esolp1801
gatefold 12" #259/500
#MarcoPacassoni #Vibraphone #Marimba #PetraMagoni
#zappa #FrankZappa #RuthUnderwood #RlessedRelief
#TheBlackPage #PeachesEnRegalia #StolenMoments
#wolfsmixedbag #marcopacassoni #vibraphone #marimba #petramagoni #zappa #frankzappa #ruthunderwood #rlessedrelief #theblackpage #peachesenregalia #stolenmoments #vinyl #jazz #catsandvinyl #caturday
on now:
Joe Henderson With Terumasa Hino: Sunrise In Tokyo
Recorded live in Tokyo 1971
💿 1995 Jazz Door JD12120
xlnt, 🐺 recommended, joe in a different context than usual.
#JoeHenderson #TerumasaHino #Tokyo #Japan #Saxophone #JazzDoor
#jazz #JazzCD @jazz
#wolfsmixedbag #JoeHenderson #terumasahino #tokyo #japan #saxophone #jazzdoor #jazz #jazzcd
j jazz - deep modern jazz from japan volume 1-3
3x 3x12" 2018/2019/2021 bbe music
compiled by tony higgins & mike peden
^^all still in the hot box...
revisiting while waiting for WaJazz 2 🟡🟡
#JapanJazz #japan #jazz #vinyl #JazzVinyl #JazzCollection #RecordCollection
#wolfsmixedbag #japanjazz #japan #jazz #vinyl #jazzvinyl #jazzcollection #recordcollection
mid seventies mccoy is the best.
"Sama Layuca" (1974 Milestone Records / 2001 Original Jazz Classics) 💿
"The Greeting" (1978 Milestone Records / 2002 Original Jazz Classics) 💿
#wolfsmixedbag #mccoytyner #bobbyhutcherson #GaryBartz #orrinkeepnews #jazz #jazzcd
on now: Blue Mitchell - Graffiti Blues (1991 Mainstream Records MDCD709) 💿
"Compiled from original releases in 1973 and 1974 with new liner notes by Leonard Feather"
#jazz #jazzcd @jazz
#wolfsmixedbag #BlueMitchell #raypounds #donbailey #hermanriley #darrellclayborn #joesample #freddierobinson #walterbishopjr #johnguerin #graffitiblues #jazz #jazzcd
inherited a bunch of smooth & vocal jazz cds plus some vinyl.
that old lady friend knew she'd be doing me a great favour with her old man's collection. done. karma.
more for #wolfsmixedbag
Andrew Hill - Black Fire, 1964 Blue Note Records
didn't get one in July 2019 when this was first released as a Tone Poet edition,
also, not sure if the announced repress finally happened, anyway got my copy today!
via jpc:
#AndrewHill #BlackFire #TonePoet #BlueNote #BlueNoteRecords
#jazz #vinyl #CatsAndVinyl
@jazz 🎹
#wolfsmixedbag #andrewhill #blackfire #TonePoet #bluenote #bluenoterecords #jazz #vinyl #catsandvinyl
Andrew Hill - Black Fire, 1964 Blue Note Records
didn't get one in July 2019 when this was first released as a Tone Poet edition,
also, not sure if the announced repress finally happened, anyway got my copy today!
via jpc:
#AndrewHill #BlackFire #TonePoet #BlueNote #BlueNoteRecords
#jazz #vinyl #CatsAndVinyl
#wolfsmixedbag #andrewhill #blackfire #TonePoet #bluenote #bluenoterecords #jazz #vinyl #catsandvinyl
released today, just in & de-freezing now...
Frank Zappa - Waka/Wazoo 4cd+blu-ray set plus the respective lps, coloured clear green and brown marbled.
(a.k.a. feeling a wee bit giddy...)
#zappa #FrankZappa #TheGrandWazoo #GrandWazoo #WakaJawaka #WakaWazoo #ZappaRecords
#vinyl #ColouredVinyl #RecordCollection #ZappaCollection
#CatsAndVinyl #Hasthag
#wolfsmixedbag #zappa #frankzappa #thegrandwazoo #GrandWazoo #wakajawaka #wakawazoo #zapparecords #vinyl #colouredvinyl #recordcollection #zappacollection #catsandvinyl #hasthag
on now:
mlo - wimborne revisited
1994 rising high rsn 93cd 💿
cd bought for £4.99 in march 2000
at Sister Ray, Berwick St.,
plus half a dozen MLO Io's for a £ each,
at Mister CD in, you guessed it, Berwick St., London
those were the days 🐺
(well my first IO cd in 1994 was full price...)
cd 78:39
#wolfsmixedbag #ambient
#BerwickStreet #London #AllTimeFavouriteTracks
#risinghigh #wimborne #SpaceTimeContinuum #wagonchrist #mlo #starfungus #danielpemberton #wolfsmixedbag #ambient #berwickstreet #london #alltimefavouritetracks
out today & on now:
Donald Byrd - Live: Cookin' with Blue Note at Montreux, July 5, 1973, 09.12.2022 Blue Note Records / UMG Recordings blue vinyl 12", sweet!
today would have been Donald's 90th birthday.
#DonaldByrd #MontreuxJazzFestival #Montreux #BlueNote #BlueNoteRecords #jazz #vinyl #BlueVinyl
#wolfsmixedbag #donaldbyrd #MontreuxJazzFestival #montreux #bluenote #bluenoterecords #jazz #vinyl #bluevinyl
Stanley Turrentine with Milt Jackson - Cherry
1972 CTI Records / 2022 Music on Vinyl MOVLP3138
"50th Anniversary Edition" "of 1500 individually numbered copies on translucent coloured pink vinyl"
not a favourite but nice to have anyway! blink & you missed it.
(yea looks red in the pics. but isn't) Milo is not impressed.
#StanleyTurrentine #MiltJackson
#BobJames #BillyCobham #CreedTaylor #CTI #CTIRecords #MusicOnVinyl #vinyl #jazz #vibraphone #RecordCollection #CatsAndVinyl
#wolfsmixedbag #StanleyTurrentine #miltjackson #bobjames #billycobham #creedtaylor #cti #ctirecords #musiconvinyl #vinyl #jazz #vibraphone #recordcollection #catsandvinyl
Igor Stravinsky performs Stravinsky 💿
recorded 1928 (Petrushka & The Firebird, Igor conducting) and 1930 (Capriccio, Ernest Ansermet, Igor on piano), must be one of my oldest igors, nice!
2012 Dutton Vocalion CDBP 9814 / 765387981426
i liked the cover so i bought it. as i do with every Firebird recording i see & not in my collection yet 🤓 check my insta..
#IgorStravinsky #stravinsky #Petrushka #TheFirebird #Vocalion #ClassicalMusic #HistoricalRecording
#wolfsmixedbag #igorstravinsky #stravinsky #petrushka #thefirebird #vocalion #classicalmusic #historicalrecording
Igor Stravinsky performs Stravinsky 💿
recorded 1928 (Petrushka & The Firebird, Igor conducting) and 1930 (Capriccio, Ernest Ansermet, Igor on piano), must be one of my oldest igors, nice!
2012 Dutton Vocalion CDBP 9814 / 765387981426
i liked the cover so i bought it. as i do with every Firebird recording i see & not in my collection yet 🤓 check my insta..
#IgorStravinsky #stravinsky #Petrushka #TheFirebird #Vocalion #ClassicalMusic #HistoricalRecording
cc @classicalmusic
#wolfsmixedbag #igorstravinsky #stravinsky #petrushka #thefirebird #vocalion #classicalmusic #historicalrecording
today i'll play some zappa 💿
Frank Vincent Zappa (21.12.1940 - 04.12.1993),
American composer
#zappa #Frankzappa #MothersOfInvention #MusicIsTheBest
#wolfsmixedbag #zappa #frankzappa #mothersofinvention #musicisthebest