🔴【ウォーロン/武将揃えで挑戦04】董卓コスプレ「逆天滅道」で董卓さんに勝ちたい🐲ポンコツがのんびり挑戦⚔️三国志×死にゲー【Wo Long:Fallen Dynasty/女性実況/PS5】#97 #CosplayInJapan #DLC #TeamNinja #UCgWCWAPUkAGZRxKWZ52jrXw #UCUIBhLYmkAMEIOA7_OXqcBg #WoLong #アルテイあるてい #ゲーム下手っぴ #ゲーム実況 #コスプレ #ちんぺぃ #女性実況 #死にゲー #渋声 #生放送 #雑談
#cosplayinjapan #dlc #teamninja #ucgwcwapukagzrxkwz52jrxw #ucuibhlymkameioa7_oxqcbg #wolong #アルテイあるてい #ゲーム下手っぴ #ゲーム実況 #コスプレ #ちんぺぃ #女性実況 #死にゲー #渋声 #生放送 #雑談 🔴【ウォーロン/武将揃えで挑戦03】張遼コスプレ「古の召虎」で張遼さんに勝ちたい🐲ポンコツがのんびり挑戦⚔️三国志×死にゲー【Wo Long:Fallen Dynasty/女性実況/PS5】#96 #CosplayInJapan #DLC #TeamNinja #UCgWCWAPUkAGZRxKWZ52jrXw #UCUIBhLYmkAMEIOA7_OXqcBg #WoLong #アルテイあるてい #ゲーム下手っぴ #ゲーム実況 #コスプレ #ちんぺぃ #女性実況 #死にゲー #渋声 #生放送 #雑談
#cosplayinjapan #dlc #teamninja #ucgwcwapukagzrxkwz52jrxw #ucuibhlymkameioa7_oxqcbg #wolong #アルテイあるてい #ゲーム下手っぴ #ゲーム実況 #コスプレ #ちんぺぃ #女性実況 #死にゲー #渋声 #生放送 #雑談
One thing I wish more games did? Allow me to select armour and it's aesthetic seperately.
#HogwartLegacy and #WoLong let you do that and it's one of those features that goes a long way to making me feel like the game wants me to enjoy myself.
Don't make me choose between form and function when I could have both.
Conquest of the Central Plains
Chapter EX1 - A Solitary Resistance
No Damage Battle v. Xǔ Chǔ
«Wo Long» x «Naraka».
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty / Xbox Series S
#wolong #narakabladepoint #XboxShare
My #LiesOfP demo first impressions, spoilerfree:
- runs perfectly on Linux Steam :hearthands:
- 100% soulslike with its own beautiful art style and unique additions
- inspired by #Bioshock #Nierautomata #steampunk #Monsterhunter - in a good way
- I love that demos are making a comeback
- the big sword feels satisfying
- dodge/roll very different to what I'm used to
- parry seems very important like in #Sekiro or #WoLong but the timing is hard and feels off
- I want to explore and play more!
#liesofp #bioshock #nierautomata #steampunk #monsterhunter #sekiro #wolong
#wolong #wolongfallendynasty #XboxShare
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty alcanza el millón de copias y los 3,8 millones de usuarios
#Noticias #ARPG #KoeiTecmoEurope #Souls #TeamNinja #WoLong:FallenDynasty
#noticias #arpg #koeitecmoeurope #souls #teamninja #wolong
Recomanats de març del 2023
Ressenyes breus dels videojocs més interessants del març: Terra Nil, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty i Resident Evil 4.
#Recomanats #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #ResidentEvil4remake #Rytmos #Tchia #TerraNil #TheCrownofWu #WoLong:FallenDynasty
#Recomanats #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #ResidentEvil4Remake #rytmos #tchia #TerraNil #thecrownofwu #wolong
Nobody should have to work this hard.
#GamesPodcasts #Podcasts #WaypointRadio #Destiny2 #WoLong:FallenDynasty #deadcells
#gamespodcasts #podcasts #waypointradio #Destiny2 #wolong #deadcells
And that is 1000g on #WoLong. Fantastic game, and while infuriating at points, was so much fun. Now to figure out what's next to work on.
#4【Wo Long】ウォーロンよ、死にゲーとは何かね?【ウォーロン】
#4Wo #Celebrities #Celebrity #Longウォーロンよ死にゲーとは何かねウォーロン #PS4 #PS5 #Vlog #WoLong #ウォーロン #ゲーム #けいじチャンネル #実況 #死にゲー #福知桃子
#4wo #celebrities #celebrity #longウォーロンよ死にゲーとは何かねウォーロン #ps4 #ps5 #vlog #wolong #ウォーロン #ゲーム #けいじチャンネル #実況 #死にゲー #福知桃子
Lu Bu fight 2 is infinitely easier than the first one. After a little break, it feels good to be back playing. And not as rusty as I thought I'd be.
| Wednesday! | Everybody Have Fun Tonight, Everybody Wo Long Tonight!| #Therapist Plays #WoLong & maybe some #Valheim !! | Get In Chat! Follow at to know when we go live. #gamer #therapist #streamer #socialwork #MentalHealthMatters
#MentalHealthMatters #socialwork #streamer #gamer #valheim #wolong #therapist
| Wednesday! | Everybody Have Fun Tonight, Everybody Wo Long Tonight!| #Therapist Plays #WoLong & maybe some #Valheim !! | Get In Chat!
🚨New Episode🚨
Come listen to me talk about #GenshinImpact, #Mika, #VO, #WoLong & a bunch of other stuff with the awesome Rob Moreira.
Episode links:
#wolong #vo #mika #GenshinImpact
@RoofusLukas Have fun! I enjoy the game more than I thought I would and the first boss really is frustrating, especially because the game isn't explaining the moral system very good. It becomes a lot more interesting after that and more accessible. I really enjoy the build variety and the fast paced combat, it's addictive.
One thing I wish I knew earlier: you can disable auto-camera movements and even your character animations in the settings - haven't seen this before.
| Monday! | Moder's Dead!| #Therapist Plays #Valheim & maybe some #WoLong !! | Get In The Chat! | Follow at to know when we go live. #gamer #therapist #streamer #socialwork #MentalHealthMatters
#MentalHealthMatters #socialwork #streamer #gamer #wolong #valheim #therapist